Saturday 13 September 2008

Why does Snoop Dogg hold an umbrella? Fo' Drizzle!

I love that you can smell when it has snowed
I love iced gingerbread folk
I love to blow bubbles
I love to make cloud shapes
I love it when I can make swirling patterns in hot chocolate
I love silences that hold a thousand words
I love silhouettes in the sunset
I love photos that go unnexpectedly right
I love to cry at the TV
I love to scream at my PS2
I love it when I turn over to a new phase
I love the smell of fresh baking
I love it that I can wear what I like, but I can't wear it outside of my room
I love sprinkles and stars, sequins and arrows, polka dots and hearts
I love to see people going about their lives
I love to catch a smile from a stranger
I love to wear my wellington boots
I love elegance, but I prefer clumsiness
I love to imagine how many people have done a certain thing at that time *e.g. how many people in the world tripped up a step within the last second*
I love to savour chocolate underneath my tongue
I love to sing an entire song
I love to hear other people humming a song
I love to discover quirks
I love to stand on one leg
I love it when I can remember my dreams
I love it when I am the first to open things
I love to know secrets that don't matter to anyone but me
I love to watch people from my windowsill
I love to learn indepth about something that is irrelevent
I love to see the city
I love to see places at night
I love fairy lights that wink in the corner of your eye
I love to create mess, creative colourful mess
I love ethnic music, Indian classical is best
I -as of now- love palmistry, and being told that I am a highly creative person
I love to laugh I love double takes and shy smiles
I love to see my room feel golden
I love to feel that one day I'll be free -from what I'm not sure-
I love to feel that I have been productive
I love to be lucky

A mini-chase from a long time ago, inspired by watching the Simple Life for some reason :D...

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