Friday 19 September 2008

Heart be still! (links galore! :D)

Somewhere within the last 10 minutes, between procrastinating and drinking hot tea with strawberries amd cream chocolate, I fell in love.
Fell hard and fast and with the aid of youtube...
Hot dang! Now I am consumed by a fiery passion and the need to be CLOSER! Closer to the magnificant sounds of Friendly Fires.
As if their song ~'Jump in the Pool'~ wasn't beautiful enough...oh no, they also have to have produced the songs ~'Paris'~ and ~'On Board'~. I am also listening to a clippit of 'Photobooth'...and from what I can tell from the live should be pretty good!
In much the same way that I found my love for them, I also discovered hearthrobs; ~We Are Scientist~, ~Sam Sparro~, ~Justice~ and ~Vampire Weekend~. Unfortunately, the only album that I own of those is Sam Sparro...and that was through sheer determination! Currently I am absolutely salivating at the idea of owning any of those other albums...ANY! Although, Justice is a need of particularly powerful magnitude, ~DVNO~ being a song that I can't help but shake and strut to!
Another band that have recently caught my eye -or rather ear- after several months of enjoying one of their songs that I got from ~Pure Groove~ is Electrocute. A clever play on words which I never thought of, stupid me! Anyway, they are everything that their name says that they are; Electro and Cute. A couple of favourites of mine that belong to them include ~'Tiger Toy'~, ~'Bad Legs'~ and ~'Saturn Rings'~.
Their music initially reminded me of ~Robots in Disguise~, and I guess that's what makes me like them all the more!
So anyways...
Just wanted to spend a little while explaining one of my great loves and a true Chase; MUSIC!
It's fabulous :D

Oh and...I ordered Marie Antoinette from HMV as soon as I finished last night's blog, I'M WEAK, I'M WEAK, MASTER!!
Shame on me T______T....

I can't wait till it arrives :D :D ^__~

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