Friday 12 September 2008

A little unedited clippit

"Here comes one now!" A loud voice to the right of Harry cried and all heads turned towards the entrance to Harrods.
They had been planning this for months and Harry was excited to finally be taking action.
He grinned at the overly eager boy beside him. "Ready, Collin?"
Collin bounced on his toes, beaming from ear-to-ear as he handed Harry a can of paint.
"More than ready, Harry!"
It was his first time and Harry could relate to the adrenalin that was pumping wildly throughout his body. The thrill of taking a stand and speaking out against those without sympathy and understanding was immeasurable.
Harry remembered his first time fondly as he saw the figure approaching the doors before them.

Draco felt incredibly pleased with himself.
He had decided to treat himself to a mountain bear-fur coat and couldn't wait to parade about on the streets. He would certainly turn heads and the prospect of all of the admiring looks and attention that he was promised had him salivating.
His full carrier bags jostled eagerly against his legs and his newly purchased coat swirled impressively against his lithe frame.
Draco looked GOOD!
He smiled merrily at the doorman as he approached the exit only to find his path blocked.
"I'm sorry, sir, but it is within your best interests to wait before leaving." The doorman apologetically explained, holding the door firmly shut.
Draco frowned, this wouldn't do! "I'm afraid I must leave immediately; mother will be waiting on me to join her for lunch and my new coat must be presented to the adoring public!"
The doorman sighed, yet another self-righteous, all important customer. They just didn't listen! "I'm SORRY, sir" he repeated forcefully. But I cannot let you out-"
"Move out of my way, doorman!" Draco cried dramatically and using his bags as a driving force, barraged his way past and threw open the doors with a dramatic flourish.
He was met by a huge crowd of screaming, blatantly unwashed people and sighed. They weren't the awe-inspired well groomed spectators that he had hoped for, but Draco was a humble and grateful mand, and he would work with the vagrants offered if he needed to.
He posted on a winning smile as he began to push through the screaming masses. Why did they all have to yell?
The sheer volume of noise was beginning to make Draco's sensitive ears ache, but he braved on, smiling and nodding at the dirty, noisy people who all seemed to be waving signs around.
Was this some sort of mad cult?
When it seemed that he wouldn't be able to advance through the crowd using his charms alone Draco began to elbow and shove.
Mother would berate him his tardiness!
"Move! Get out of my way, you damn collective of mongrels!"
They seemed to get louder, as though they were INCENSED.
A body suddenly planted itself firmly in his path.
This greatly infuriated Draco, he had somewhere to be and these jostling ingrates were making him LATE!
He stared down the man before him and yelled "excuse me!"
All of this pushing and shoving was going to ruin his coat...
The man screamed something intelligable back and Draco was about to ask him to repeat it when a can of red paint was unceramoniously thrown over him.
Over his divine, new coat.
Draco let out a howl of pain, indignation and misery. Why paint?!
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
The man shoved a sign in his face, it bore red letters and odd pictures but Draco was in no mood to admire this man's art work.
"Do you realise how many innocent animals had to die for your disgusting caot?" Tha man cried, obnoxiously pushing his sign into Draco's nose. "We're protesting for the rights of these poor creatures!"
"Proest this!" Draco had lost his temper and pushed the placard out of the way in order to punch the other man in the face.
Admittedly, Draco had never hit anyone before in his life and found that it hurt him more than he had anticipated.
A lot more.
"Ow! Oh Christ!" He screeched, clutching his hand as his eyes watered with pain.
To add insult to injury, the other man appeared to be fine.
"We're the voice of the voiceless!" The men crowed triumphantly and the crowd cheered. Draco could hear sirens and was beginning to lose his head.
"That doesn't make sense, you raving mad plebian! You've ruined my coat!"
He grabbed his shopping bags that had been lost during the mayhem and began to swing them wildly, hitting people on all sides as he bombarded the protester.
The noise and atmosphere of his surroundings were chaotic and he bellowed insanely . People were still jostling about and when someone grabbed him from behind he freaked out.
Five minutes later he was being escorted into the back of a police car as hoards of protesters rioted, fighting with the police who were attempting to subdue them.
The office whom Draco had assulted was mopping irritably at his bloody nose and shooting dark looks at the blond.
"Will this take long? Mother will be wondering where I am." Draco whined.
"Oh no," the officer replied with a forboing tone. "Not long at all."

"What do you mean 'all night'?! I'm innocent, I didn't DO anything!" Draco clutched at the bars of his shared cell, filled with righteous indignation.
A vague voice floated happily over to him. "No one is truly innocent."
He scowled at the woman sitting nearby, she had been acting gormless and supplying useless input for the past hour.
"Oh, do shut up." He told her irritably from his position beside the bars.
"Leave her alone!" Unfortuantely, Draco didn't just have to share his cell with the mad hippy, but also the mad protester.
Draco chose to ignore him, "when my father arrives to collect me, you'll all be sorry...are you listening to me? Hellooo?!"
The guard approached with a scowl, and Draco was preparing to give him an earfull when the guard spotted the protester.
"Hullo, Harry!" The guard broke into a grin and Draco found the expression highly disturbing.
The coat wrecker perked up and beamed back "alright, Phillip?"
"Not bad, not bad" Phillip responded jovially, "back again I see?"
"Couldn't keep away!" Harry joked and the hippy laughed airily.
Draco felt sick.
"I want my call!"

That's all I got right now....and probably for a very long time....but there you have it. So is the scatty brain and painfully short attention-span I have been gifted with.

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