Monday 15 September 2008

Anyway...back to chasing :D

Encountered a huge chase yesterday! Yep, I took a trip to the Big Smoke and the big smoke was one giant chase :D.
So, I'd like to dedicate this post to;
  1. The Gay Couple at the Bus Stop
  2. The Strangers on the Bus
  3. The Smiling Stall Holder
  4. The Fairy Lights
  5. The Thai Food
  6. The 6+ CDs
  7. The Dancing Japanese Man
  8. Campbells Soup, Roy Lichtenstein Fakes and Rocket Boy
  9. Greg James
  10. The Brad Pitt Polish Man
  11. The Well Expressioned Thai Man
  12. The Jewish Band
  13. The Swirly Swingers
  14. The Ultimate Brownie & Chocolate Frogs
  15. Whomever First Wrote HD
  16. Camden Bridge
  17. The Anime Man
  18. Premiers
  19. Pac-man Style Game; Ladybird
  20. & Finally, The Tallest Goth in the World.

I'll stop here, best not to get carried away, as you probably can tell, London was a blur of intrigue and lights. Lots of great characters and THE best pair of boots in the WORLD! They were Claf length, plain white other than the sailor sash spilling over the top. So cute...if I knew the brand I would steal a picture to represent these beauties...but I never checked for fear of seeming over eager XD.

I already miss being there, but more than anything I miss travelling through there at nighttime. I don't know how many people share my sentiments, but I don't think that there is anything more beautiful and breath-taking as a city at nighttime. With all of it's lights, smells, loud sounds, pounding music and THE PEOPLE! The sheer variety of beings that crawl out of the woodwork at dusk is awe-inspiring. I could quite happily spend a day just watching people, and then admiring the change in atmosphere and attitude that occurs as the sun shines it's last sunbeam for the day.

A good place for me was in the warehouse market (Can't remember the name :3), it was teeming with ethnicities and cultures, food and pushing people, stalls with loud, varied music and clothing to die for. It was all so beautiful, and it's odd that such a dark, croweded place could be inspiring...but then I've always been one for admiring social interactions (being so lame myself T___T).

London is such a place of intense power, beauty and tragedy. So many people want to be there and IT, and yet so many people spend every second wanting to get away from it. See, I have a thing for being swept away, and I've only just begun to acknowledge it.

I'm one of those who get a kick out of riding the bull of Sanity Loss backwards off of a cliff. It's like...I prefer the idea of a wild fling to a set out relationship. I like whims and taking a wild chance because I'm such a naturally indecisive individual that I love to let go every now and then, regardless of the consequences. It's one of the nicest things in the world.

So, that madness sums up my fanfics, my relationships and often my most impressive works of creation. So you see, my "relations" so far consist of one whimsical online yes that made no sense (won't be doing that again); one serious appreciation of the film Anchorman and persistancy; and the heady (Toxic!) mixture of glow stick juice and heavy bass.


Anyway, must dash, my mother is complaining about something...

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