Saturday 13 September 2008

A short story I wrote for a friend a while back :D

There once was a wonky fairy named Blenda (lol), she was, like, a mega ace fairy who could cause miracles and other such badass stuff. She had white-blond wavy hair, rosy checks and a little red mouth that was constantly curled up into a smile.
One day, Blenda enroled into Miracle Academy and because she is a totally hardcore fairy they accepted her straight away! So she went there and learnt how to make magic happen and create (rather than just set up) miracles.
However, her academia (sp?) course didn't go as smoothly as you would think. No, it wasn't an education of sparkles and hearts and the like, it was solid! Also -and here you must gasp in horror- Blenda was bullied! The other Fairies picked on her because she was slightly wonky (and her eyes were too close together), so Blenda had to suffer discrimination and prejudice and such. At the end of most days, she couldn't wait to just go home, eat lollipops and get away from all the bully fairies at her Academy.
Soon enough, Brenda turned all of her attention to comfort eating and her grades began to slip and fall as the bullying got worse. Now she that had gained weight, the other fairies treated her worse. It was unbearable for Blenda.
One day was particularly bad for Blenda, she had gotten into trouble for not paying attention in class, and the fairies had thrown her lunch around and followed her home, yelling insults from five meters away. Blenda sat in her room considoring suicide; she had simply had enough. She couldn't tell the teachers at school about her problems as the bullies would call her a snitch and hate her more, and she couldn't tell her family, because she was too ashamed.
She felt weak because she never faught back, and useless, she couldn't work out why the other faries hated her so much. She had no friends. No one really talked to her at school. She was failing her course.
Blenda had never felt so depressed in her life.
However, she decided that to commit suicide was to give up, to lose faith and show weakness. She went to school again the next day, armed with the thought that -no matter what- her situation could only get better. She had cleared the lowest point.
Sure enough -and as is standard for fairy tales- a miracle did happen.
Blenda, made a friend.
Felicity was her name, and this fairy had seen the way that the others treated Blenda and decided to put a stop to it. She helped Blenda find the courage to tell her family of the discrimination she suffered, and they in turn helped Blenda tell the school about her problem.
Sure enough the bullies were made to see the error of their ways and left Blenda alone.
Our main Fairy soon found more friends and they all helped her to focus more on her studies. Eventually, Blenda reached her final examinations and passed them with flying colours! Her friends and she had all studied hard for the exams and the results showed this.
Now Blenda could create her own miracles, she could bring the same hope that her friends had given her to people in need. She was very successful and helped so many people it was a-mazing!And so -as is also standard for fairy tales- Blenda, the wonky Fairy who graduated flawlessly from Miracle Academy, lived happily. Ever. After.
lol...I'm such a silly sap

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