Saturday 13 September 2008

A couple of collected chases from my LJ!

Incidently, how do I do a cut? Can I not here?! It would make my blogage so much neater T___T.
Anyway, a well known rhyme that I remembered a while back and found interesting;
Monday's Child is fair of face,
Tuesday's Child is full of grace,
Wednesday's Child is filled with woe,
Thurday's Child has far to go,
Friday's Child is loving and giving,
Saturday's Child works hard for a living,
And the Child that's born on the Sabath Day is bonny and blithe and good and gay.
A gorgeous rhyme, one that reeks of childhood and sitting on grass in the sunshine. It perfectly fits my mood style at the moment. Unfortunately, I happen to be a Thursday's child...which seems to fit appropriately with me :/...oh man! XD
It reminds me of the beautiful song by Will Young which definately be longer, it sound last an hour so that I don't have to keep replaying it. It's so dreamy, why isn't it more popular? Because it was Will that sang it?! Surely not!
Check it out here! --> ~~Friday's Child- Will Young~~
So, some mini stories and clippets that I made to amuse myself. (I'm backing up everything I can!! XD)
One particuarly risque scene that I don't know what to do with (It doesn't fit in with my fanfics!! :O)
Gasping harshly, Draco turned his head to the side and was captivated by the image presented to him by the mirror on Harry's wall.
He gazed into heavily lidded eyes, grey iris conquered by pupil, that roved lazily over mussed hair, flushed cheeks and reddened lips that formed a loose 'o' shape. His shirt was trapped under him having been simply undone, pushed back and forgotten by Harry and his bare legs were crooked, clutching wantonly at Harry's sides.
The captured image of his 'coming undone' mesmerised Draco and he found that he couldn't take his eyes off of the reflection. He was intoxicated by the way that Harry's body melded into his, the other's tanned back arching down from his strong shoulder blades and back up to disappear into the waistband of his jeans. Draco watched his reflection lift a hand and trace it down Harry's spine, feeling every ridge and every tremor that Harry gave.
The other man was bracing himself upon his elbows placed either side of Draco, and his head was dipped down in order to place languid kisses on Draco's shoulder blades, neck and face. His skin glistened with sweat and the hairs curling at the nape of his neck were dampened, Draco could feel his hot breath as it drifted over him, causing fires under his skin that melted his bones.
Green eyes suddenly stabbed at him as Harry turned his head, following his sightpath, connecting their gazes and pinning Draco to the bed with the intensity of it all. The blond vaguely entertained the idea of purchasing a pensive for the sole purpose of storing this memory away, but the notion was lost almost instantly as if Harry's eyes had drowned out all conscious thought.
Draco was loathe to tear his eyes away from the mirror, almost unable even, but when he did, what he found was equally as breath-taking.
I'm finished with that XD...pretty good stuff, inspired oddly enough by a scene from the modern version of the Incredible Hulk (the one with Liv Tyler), where they try to get it on but he can't incase of a sudden breakout of the Sulkster. Anyway, it's the bit where they fall back on the bed, and I must say, for an average to unattractive man, he has a pretty nice back! :O
Incidently, that's the only piece of smut that I have ever written, just for the record!
Next up is a tiny story that I can't remember the origion of. It's simplicity makes me smile, so here it is; Chase fodder :D
One fine day at Hogwarts, Harry Potter was waggling and waving his wand around.
Normally Harry was very good at this, so good in fact, that he tended to attract crowds of spectators and die-hard fans.
Today, however, Harry waggled his wand a bit too hard.
"Do you mind?" The ordinarily silent and complacent wand suddenly cried, "what in merlin's name do you think you're doing boy?"
Harry scowled at his wand, "are you questioning me? How dare you, I'm Harry Potter!"
In a fit of righteous rage, Harry snapped his faithful wand in half and then proceeded to cry.
Another point of inspiration that I encountered a small while back was the lifelist group on livejournal (here). I joined up and wrote my own life list -to the suprising appreciation of a couple of people- and found that all of things I wish to accomplish are changing a little already...
But still, this list is inspiring and is so typically's perfect :D.
Albiet a little small, maybe I should add some to it...
~Go to university and become a student. Go to wild parties and get discounts.
~Decide upon a career path. Hopefully one that is creative, impressive and pays well.
~Buy an apartment/studio. Decorate it wildly and hold intellectual dinner parties.
~Get a cat for said apartment/studio and allow it free reign. Either a cat or a ferret called Wally.
~Go to New York for 2 Weeks +
~Drink a Manhattan in Manhattan.
~Find the perfect pair of jeans. Bury them when they no longer fit.
~Convince the world (or anyone who will listen) that the anti-calorie exists. Be ambiguous, make scientific explanations up.
~Own a book collection large enough to crush a man to death. Lovingly name each book.
~ Read through Simon (my dictionary) from cover to cover. Memorise this for ;
~Perfect the art of the witty comeback, use impressive words such as 'discombobulate' and 'dotard'.
~Learn Japanese/Thai/Chinese/Italian/French/Russian...they are all beautiful languages...well perhaps not Chinese...
~Write a novel depicting my life in a fantastical, unbelievable manner. Perhaps a fantasy, sci-fi tale. Become a bestselling author.
~Own a bookstore/Flower shop/Coffee shop, adopt a foreign accent and become a professional People Watcher.
~Organise an underground rave.
~Visit Tokyo and Kyoto, two of the best anagrams since lemon and melon.
~Have an exhibition of work portraying life's journey. Make an installation. Wow people with kooky background music. Drink an abundance of champagne and Embarrass myself.
~Learn to play Chopin' "Fantaisie Impromptu". Evoke tears.
~Gather as many friends as I can, hold a giant picnic party.
~Go to Glastonbury.
Sounds perfect to me! :D

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