Saturday 13 September 2008

A little scripture...

A friend asked a killer question a few months back which had me thinking. Always the best inspiration chaser (a good question)! So, her question was;

'If you had to make a movie, what genre would it be, who would star in it and what would it be about?'
This had us both firing ideas back and forth off of us and the gist of our brainstorm was that it stared Jake Gyllenhaal and Kirsten Dunst (my favourites) and also Matt Damon, Jude Law, Samual L. Jackson and TOM CRUISE! It's a 'cop' (that hurt...I'm British :{...) film with high action, high humor and hopefully high ratings!
So...a little snippet for my blogage that I wrote a millenium ago and possibly will never update. Ever again.
Bon Apetite! (or something....)
There are credits flashing onto the screen -action/blockbuster style- backed by a montage of lights, police sirens and speeding cars. It's night time and a car chase is taking place on the rainy, city streets of Boston.
A dark non descript car is being hounded by a police car, and in that police car seats two officers.
Officer Jennifer Davies -JD- (Kirsten Dunst?) is driving erratically, and her partner; Officer Zach Lambert (Jake Gyllenhaal) clings to his seatbelt and coffee cup in the passenger seat beside her.
Zach: Christ JD! You're gonna kill us!
JD: Calm down. [smirks] It's not exactly a high speed pursuit unless we're going fast, is it? Now be a good boy and shut up. [Takes a deep drag from the cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth]
Zach: I keep telling you not to smoke whilst you're driving the godamn car!
JD: Oh yeah, give me your hand then. [Zach obediently holds out his hand and she puts the cigarette out on his palm. Zach screams.]
JD slams her foot on the break, changes gear and skids the car around an unexpected corner and into an alleyway, the man driving the other car has abandoned it and can be seen in the flashing headlights running down the alley.
Zach: [Cradling his hand] What the fuck, JD?! Why'd you do that?
JD: There's no time to sit around crying about your damn hand, get out of the car!
They burst out of the car, leaving the doors wide open and give chase, closing swiftly in on their prey. Zach pauses and goes for his gun as they corner the man at a dead end, but JD continues to charge with every intention to use bloody, physical violence. The man, knowing that he is trapped, readily pulls out a knife and focuses on the advancing JD.
Zach: No, JD!
He fires his gun before she can reach the criminal and shoots the man in the foot. He keels over with a strangled cry and JD quickly handcuffs him, throwing in a swift kick for good measure.
The scene changes, the criminal Jack Lionel (Josh Hartnet) is sitting alone in an interrogation room, his head is bowed and he stares listlessly at the table top before him. He has dark brown, rumpled hair, a shabby suit and a lost expression.
Jack is startled by Zach entering with a coffee cup in his hand, Zach ignores him and leans against the opposite bleak, grey wall, sipping his coffee slowly. Jack tries to talk to him in halting tones, but is interupted when JD barges throught the door. JD slips into a chair across the table from Jack and fixes him with an intense stare.
Jack: I don't what you want, but I know that I'm innocent. I can't help y-
JD: You ran from us, [she turns to Zach] if he was innocent then why would he run?[Jack inhales sharply, his anxious gaze flicking from one officer to another]
Zach: [shrugs, his eyes fixed upon Jack as he addresses his partner] I don't know, JD, why would he? Surely he wouldn't run if he had nothing to hide.
Jack: No! I swear, I haven't done anything! [his breathing becomes laboured and heavy]
JD: So you don't know anybody by the name of Linderman, and you've never heard of Ardour?Jack: A-ardour, no I-
JD: Liar! [she grabs him by his tie and yanks it down and towards her, he is pulled forwards and his nose smashes against the table with a resonating crunch.]
Jack: Shit! [he grabs his nose. Blood drips from between his fingers.]
Zach: [places a box of tissues on the table beside Jack, the officer does not look surprised, rather, assured as if by something familiar.]
JD: [agressively] Who gave you those drugs?
Jack: [weakly] I don't...I can't-
Jack: [Hastilly] DeGroat! Conrad DeGroat.
Jack Lionel falls back with a sob, clutching his bloody nose with a hand full of tissues. Zach nods at JD and leaves, his partner sneers at the whimpering man for a moment and then shoves her chair back with a harsh screech and stalks away.
10 minutes later the two cops are called to their head of department's office, they file in cooly. Sergent Oscar Detroit (Samual L. Jackson) is siting behind his large mahgany desk, upon which several files, pens and photos lie. He fixes them with a look that clearly shows his displeasure and indictes the chairs before him.
Detroit: Sit, Officers. [his tone leaves no room for argument and even JD sits without a word] Somewhere in the distant reaches of my mind, I seem to recall reprimanding you two for your use of violence in the interrogation room. Now I am willing to accept that, in the field, sometimes your actions are those of self defense, duty or even natural, human fear. But in the interrogation room there is no need to use force on a suspect who is already caught and under close surveillence.
JD: Sir, sometimes a little force is neccessary to loosen the tounge of-
Detroit: [loudly] I don't care when and where you believe "a little" force is neccessary. [His voice drops once more to a dangerous low level] I tolerate a lot of rule breaking an unacceptable behaviour from the pair of you, and that's because you work hard and do a damn good job. But I will not be tolerant for much longer![JD scowls but remains silent.]
Zach: I promise to keep violence to a minimum, sir.
Detroit: I hope you stick to that promise, for all of our sakes.
Zach: We have a lead from Jack Lionel; our suspect. A name.
Detroit: Good, good. Well follow this lead, by all means, but I suggest that ,should you feel unable to hold your tempers in this case, [he pointedly looks at JD] you should hand it over to someone else.
Zach: [quietly] of course, sir.
Detroit: Alright then, you may leave. Happy hunting, officers.
JD storms out with Zach following meekly in tow, Sgt. Detroit watches them go with a look of tired amusement.

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