Tuesday 30 September 2008

BOOM! Gotcha <3

Continuing on from my last post. My next topic is the poems that I have recently been encountering, so I'll put a couple of my favourites in here :D (sit back a read!!)
Where the Bee Sucks
Where the bee sucks, there suck I,
In a cowslip's bell I lie,
There I couch when owls do cry.
On the bat's back I do fly
After summer merrily.
Merrily, merrily shalt I live now
Under the blossom that hangs on the bough.
William Shakespeare.
ACS (dunno what that is, I abbrev. D:) -excerpt
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,
Smiles awake you when you rise.
Sleep, pretty wantons, don not sry,
And I will sing a lullaby:
Rock them, rock them, lullaby
Thomas Dekker
He Wishes For the Cloths of Heaven
Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
of night and light and the half-light.
I would spread the cloths under your feet;
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
W.B. Yeats
Reflection on Ice-Breaking
Is Dandy
But Liquor
Is quicker.
Odgen Nash
A Slice of Wedding Cake (exerpt)
Has God's supply of tolerable husbands
Fallen, in fact, so low?
Or do I always over-value women
At the expense of men?
Do I?
It might be so.
Robert Graves
My Own Epitaph
Life is a jest; and all things show it,
I thought so once; but now I know it.
John Gay
This is just to Say
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the ice box
and which
you were probabaly
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold.
William Carlos Williams.
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
Dorothy Parker
A Word
A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
begins to live
that day.
Emily Dickinson
Wasn't that lovely? XD
I particularly like them anyway, especially 'He Wishes For the Cloths of Heaven' and 'This is Just to Say'. Both of them are so cute and, well almost quiet in their sheer beauty...if that makes sense O____o.

.esahC esooG dliW

So, it's been a week+ and I have been constantly thinking of things to add to my chase collection BUT HAVEN'T ACTUALLY ADDED ANYTHING!!
Shameful D:
Well, I'll start this post in particular explaining my title. See it was (the actual thing not my interprepation) on one of the cute bags that I saw in London, and ever since I've had the phrase rattling about in my empty skull.
Anyways, my main theme for this post is going to be what I intended to add a week or so ago from Writer's Group (something I look forward ---> to). The general idea of writer's group is to get your creative juices flowing and to improve your take on writing. (Christ I think I just blew up the microwave D:)
So in part of this lesson we split a piece of paper in half and wrote down one side until it ran out of space (write whatever you like), then we covered it up and passed it on and the next person wrote down the other side. Then it was uncovered and you had to read across the paper and pick out parts that were good. The two topics that I ended up with were 'Stephen Fry' and 'Door', both sides were complete nonsense, but reading across I got some good stuff, namely:

"Hole line hair is open me please and in which you can't then shut me because get your glasses it is cold and I'm from when you fall rather hot."
"In to her arms of I like to be open passion and joy sometimes because on the day that I am a door that your love is instated likes to be closed."
See, they don't make a lot of sense, but somehow flow togethor quite nicely :D.
Also, in a description of certain small objects that were spread across the table, I wrote;
"Globuals of gold, in the formation of a wonky cross.
Sharp on one side, smooth on the other. Reminds me of the ocean, rough and wavey on the top, can kill, hurt and damage. Sometiumes with can bring joy (surfers, sailors and hardcore swimmers) mostly pain and distress.
The smooth side is below the surface, calm and drifting, coll nothingness, endless and darkening.
They are also pins."
Today's session, we messed around with both prose and poetry, transforming one into the other and so-on-and-so-forth. We started off trying to turn a riddiculous poem by Anne Sexton to Sylvia Plath into prose. SO DIFFICULT! But here's what I came up with:
"Look Sylvia!" I cried, "a dead box of stones and spoons."
We are two children, playing excitedly, like two meteors that wonder free and loose in the tiny playroom.
Her eyes were lit up, her mouth was pressed into a sheet of paper. "Into the roofbeam," she called back and we charged, "into the dumb prayer!"
I wondered, where did she go after she wrote to me from Devonshire? I remember that she was talking of rasing potatoes and keeping bees.
THEN we had to turn an article on Capgras Syndrome (WTF?!?) into a poem, ergo:
"The Syndrome of Capgras
Discovered by Capgras.
When doubles appear,
Not dear...
Phantom doubles!
I exsist in the world of fakes,
impersonators with their faces shaded and their eyes averted.
It's so alarming, I'm turning psychotic,
it's driving me crazy."
Alan wrote (and this is great!! :D)
"Capgras! Woo!
I am my own mirror,
Seeing further and further, deep into myself,
I am everywhere, but not all the time.
I am surrounded by copies of me,
And copies of you.
Like Barbie forced into Shelly's dress,
my heart sees more than my eyes.
And my soul screams that something is wrong!
But what can be done?
Who in this world can help?
Who am !?
Who are you?"
THEN we did an exercise where we wrote a short story/poem, passed it on, the next person had to then turn that into poetry/a short story. Finally it was passed on again and the top piece was folded over, that person had to turn that poetry/story into a story/poem without reading the origional. Right?
So, here are the examples that I snatched up (they're so cute!)
"The world fades before him
hes (dunno?!?!) broken face
lust forever gone
amongst the sea of bodies
he shall never feel
love again.
It lies smashed around my feet; my face in shattered pieces. Agony is reflected on all sides and I scream. A harsh, echoing cry that reverbrates with brocclied pain (XD). The candle to my side flickers, and for a moment or so, the light of the world fades.
She is gone, and with her she took her passion. Her LUST is forever gone. Lost amoung future lovers and flings.
My love, like this mirror -her favourite- is broken and dead.
Pieces lying,
Shards flying,
Gone forever,
Future is never.
Love on the line,
Life not mine."
"Balloon floats aimlessly through the forest. A message tied to his neck, destined to reach the occupant of whatever the reindeer may stumble upon.
Left, right -whoops! He fell, back up, left again and, ah! A house! Gingerbread? Nope. Candy cane perhaps? Not that either. Just one more lick should figure it out...but oh! What's this? A headshot? So unnecessary for our innocent postman. Now we may never know of the ramblings untold.
The reindeer floats.
Balloon has a message.
He stumbles, he tumbles and falls upon a house!
Balloon licks
and tastes
Candy cane?
Alas, we'll never know
for balloon, dear friends, is dead
A balloon drifts from its company as the day wanes on and the party starts to die. Little Louise cries out as it leaves her grasp and a tear trickles down her cheek. A good friend has been lost forever."
"The red ball falls and I, James Dean in the making, chase it. I woop fiercly and charge, it tumbles gaining momentum, falling unstoppably down the stairs. It is a juugernaught of red leather and pressure, it bounces further and I run faster. There is suddenly a sense of urgency.
I know.
I know that when the ball bounces on, it will inevitably land in Grandmama's pond. I panic and fatefully trip. I fall to the ground. The ball is lost.
The red ball tumbles
and jolts in front of me
through green, green
green grass.
I feel blind panic
as it leaves my foot
and forever lost, gone and forgotten,
In the black pool.
The only ball we have lies in there in front of me, tempting and teasing. I give, unleasing fury then panic as it soars over the wall into the tar pit. It sinks into the depths, gone forever."
"Tears fall from the Ice Princess
The warmth of her heart to melt
She has noebody to show her love
and unleash her from her shell.
Nobody there but not hot like hell
she yearns for heat, to feel someway she can
the feeling only gainable from the body of a man.
She sits on her throne of ice. Her cold heart never to be warmed by the dim sunlight that filters through the windows. The ice princess is a sad individual who's kingdom diminished has no life to give.
Ice is beneath her.
She reigns supreme,
Princess of Ice,
Never a queen.
Her heart is so frozen,
The sunlight is weak,
She's loveless, a burden,
Feels cold misery, so bleak."
"Troy was a lonely child. He loved his family dearly, but they only abused him. Once his father took a knife to him, slicing his mouth, carving a smile into the poor boy's face.
Troy went missing a few years back. His whereabouts is completely unknown. We can't be sure if he's alive or...not...
Forced into a permanent smile,
Do I deserve this madness?
Compelled to run for miles,
Never knowing, never showing.
The Mad Hatter runs. He's doing it for charity and all the while he curses.
"Do I deserve this madness? Compelled to run for miles..." He wheezes and splutters.
As the Mad Hatter runs, people take pictures. Charity has always been a pollen sack to the media bees. He considors this with anger as the buzz excitedly and flash their flash bulbs.
As it is, he has to smile, grin widely and wave to the masses. Those adoring, blundering masses. "Take pictures whilst you can," he mutters, grinning wider, "it won't be long before the Jamangrozes get you!"
With this in mind he stumbles on."
All done! As you can see, the yellow ones are my additions. You can certainly tell that somepeople lost the plot, including the finalisers for the Balloon and Red Ball stories. Shame, they were my favourites T__T. Anyway. I'll carry on into another post....

Friday 19 September 2008

Boy Interupted...

A little fic (HD) that I just wrote and very much liked, even made myself laugh at the end :D.

Harry was late back from work. Not through any fault of his own of course! It was that clingy, whiney Secratary Sarah holding him back to double, triple, over-check every thought and epiphany he had ever had. It wasn't as though she couldn't do her job, quite the contrary, she was highly efficient and brought him hot drinks and pastries at every available chance. It was just her severe anxiety levels and OCD based complexes that brought her down.
Nevertheless, Harry was late, regardless of upon whom lay the blame of said lateness, and being late meant an unhappy Draco.
Very unhappy.
It was with the utmost delicacy that Harry slid his key into the lock of their apartment door and he opened it slowly, leaving himself the very minimal amount possible to slip through.
Cautiously, he slunk through the entryway, shedding his coat and toeing off his shoes with all the care and expertise of a top spy. It was as he began to edge towards the living room that he began to feel a lurking sense of unease. Something was off. There were odd sounds emerging from the room. Odd and slightly disturbing.
Pulling out his wand, Harry shifted closer and dropped carefully into a crouch, assessing the situation with the ease that had come out of the War. From what he could hear, there were three main sounds, all seemingly repetitive; the loud, reverbrating sound of a television turned up too high, an odd, high pitched shouting like someone in pain, and strange thumps and bangs. The sounds were vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite place his finger upon why.
It was only when he reached the doorway to the Living Room that understanding bloomed within his mind and his wand was intantly pocketed. Pushing the door open carefully, a mischevious grin spread across his face. Harry knew exactly what was going on, and he wasn't about to miss this for the world.
Draco was singing.
And dancing too apparently, Harry could see him bouncing and shaking in a manner most embarassing. So embarassing that even Harry was slightly ashamed. Ashamed and amused. Draco was singing to an old pop song that he must have found on a music channel, for he was grooving in time to the woman dancing on screen.
It also appeared, that Draco had listened to this song many a time, because he was singing all of the words with a familiar gusto.Harry couldn't help it...he began to laugh, praying ferevently that the music would mask it.
"Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free. At night I lock the doors, where no one else can see..." Draco was singing, getting louder and louder, obviously caught up in wild abandon. Harry wondered whether this was his favourite song and began to laugh harder.
"I'm tired of dancing here all by myself, tonight I wanna dance with SOMEONE ELSE! GET- HARRY!" Draco suddenly clocked Harry's presence and screeched, the rapid blush on his cheeks and horrified expression betraying his mortification.
Harry collapsed altogether, howling hysterically and leaning on the door frame helplessly as the music played on loudly in the background.
Draco noticed this and leapt to switch the television off, fruitlessly attempting to regain his posture as his boyfriend slumped into a heaving pile of mirth on the floor.
"I -erm-, I made you dinner, er...it's, I think it's cold now..." he blustered, still panting a little from over-exertion and wringing his hands slightly. He stood in the middle of the carpet looking vaguely guilty and darting his eyes about to look everything, except Harry.
Harry was fighting to gain control, tears streaming freely down his shiney, red cheeks as his lifted his head from the carpet and gasped. "Could you, could you do that again, please? From the beginning? Only," he had to pause for breath as another onslaught of laughter hit, "only, I really want to see the entire performance."
Draco stiffened with an expression of murderous intent, "I swear to Merlin, Potter, if you so much as THINK about this...incident, ever again, your balls will be going in the blender!" He hissed, a threatening finger pointed at Harry who struggled with himself for a moment or so.
"If you're so tired of dancing on your own, I could always join in!" He burst out, clearly expressing his love to pour gasoline in liberal amounts onto bonfires. "Shit..." He laughed helplessly once more as Draco began to approach and figured that if these were his last moments, he might as well enjoy them.

Heart be still! (links galore! :D)

Somewhere within the last 10 minutes, between procrastinating and drinking hot tea with strawberries amd cream chocolate, I fell in love.
Fell hard and fast and with the aid of youtube...
Hot dang! Now I am consumed by a fiery passion and the need to be CLOSER! Closer to the magnificant sounds of Friendly Fires.
As if their song ~'Jump in the Pool'~ wasn't beautiful enough...oh no, they also have to have produced the songs ~'Paris'~ and ~'On Board'~. I am also listening to a clippit of 'Photobooth'...and from what I can tell from the live version...it should be pretty good!
In much the same way that I found my love for them, I also discovered hearthrobs; ~We Are Scientist~, ~Sam Sparro~, ~Justice~ and ~Vampire Weekend~. Unfortunately, the only album that I own of those is Sam Sparro...and that was through sheer determination! Currently I am absolutely salivating at the idea of owning any of those other albums...ANY! Although, Justice is a need of particularly powerful magnitude, ~DVNO~ being a song that I can't help but shake and strut to!
Another band that have recently caught my eye -or rather ear- after several months of enjoying one of their songs that I got from ~Pure Groove~ is Electrocute. A clever play on words which I never thought of, stupid me! Anyway, they are everything that their name says that they are; Electro and Cute. A couple of favourites of mine that belong to them include ~'Tiger Toy'~, ~'Bad Legs'~ and ~'Saturn Rings'~.
Their music initially reminded me of ~Robots in Disguise~, and I guess that's what makes me like them all the more!
So anyways...
Just wanted to spend a little while explaining one of my great loves and a true Chase; MUSIC!
It's fabulous :D

Oh and...I ordered Marie Antoinette from HMV as soon as I finished last night's blog, I'M WEAK, I'M WEAK, MASTER!!
Shame on me T______T....

I can't wait till it arrives :D :D ^__~

Marie Antionette

Alright, I figure that now would be THE perfect time to get it all off of my chest. This, OBSESSION, that I have with the film Marie Antoinette which has not been aided in anyway by the recent flurry of themes that I have that coincide spectacularly with it.

It has to be THE most beautiful film to ever exsist and until I own it, until I physically hold that awe-inspiring disk in my hand, I don't think my obsession will ever end!
Kirsten Dunst has been my favourite Actress for a long time, but since watching MA (with her staring as Marie herself) I have become devoted -much as I became devoted to Jake Gyllenhaal prior to Donnie Darko-.
Her acting in this film to me, as a non actor and a complete unprofessional, is breath taking. In my opinion, she threw herself mind, body and soul into the role of the Teen Queen and pulled it off flawlessly. From the uncertain, Alice in Wonderland edge, to the Swept Away recklessness, to the Sobbing under Pressure breakdown. Certainly the latter absolutely took my breath away and put tears into my own eyes, she is so uninhibited and soul baring in that scene that you FEEL the sheer misery and frustration that she projects.
You entirely fall in love with her character and even through the 'let them eat cake' and 'queen of deficit' incidents, you stick by her side whole-heartedly. You understand that she was so misunderstood, nobody was on her side of things. All that she had were her friends (who liked to party), advisor (who had a duty) and her husband (who struggled to meet her in the middle). Of course the film is entirely biased, that's what's perfect, you see how the stories are created, the truth, and then the repercussions that are lashed upon her.
Sure she over spent, and that was because the French Aristocracy pushed her from modest to trying her hardest to fit in. From there on it all just fell apart. How else can you expect a teenage girl to react under such extreme situations?

Other characters that I fell in love with include Rose Byrne (as Gabrielle, the Duchesse de Polignac) and Jason Schwartzman (as Louis XVI, Marie's Husband). Both characters being utterly endearing in their own way.
Gabrielle, is the head-turning, party girl who cared not one jot about her social appearance and the approval of the Aristocracy. In the film, her high voice and cheeky nature provide perfect comic relief and you can see the positive effect that it has on Marie, who visibly starts to enjoy herself upon the arrival of the whirlwind Duchess. I love her contrasting lazy words and permentantly excitable expression, making her appear both completely at home and ready to stir things up a bit.
I must say, her favourite moment of mine is when they are rushing to meet the Soldiers that fought for France and she announces "they've been away from women a long time, you know!" which is met by incredulous laughter and the reproachful reprimand of Anne (the comtesse de Noailles and Marie's best friend)
Louis is plain adorable in his shyness, occasional stabs at vague humour, (in the film, his few jokes are often met with failure to laugh) and his blatant youth and boyishness is clearly visable. His almost stoic nature that is shown with Marie can be misconstrued as ignorance, but truly is his way of showing his shy nature towards the opposite sex and his slow maturity. That he struggles to consumate their marriage and with it the Alliance with Austria for many years proves his sexually timid nature.
However, when he begins to warm up to his beautiful wife and truly begins to see her for who she is, a lovely relationship blooms. Not neccesarily one of man and wife, but of great friends who have a momentous duty. My favourite moment of his being when he is playing a game of (billiards?) and scores, he does a little leap of joy and 'YES's, but no one pays him any attention.

Possibly the most stunning part of this film is the visual content. It's a veritable FEAST for the eyes, not only of eye candy (can anyone say Count Fersen?!), but also cakes galore, beautiful scenery, a palate of the most incredible colours and best of all....the dresses.
By GOD the dresses.
Even if you don't care about the characters, plot line and such, you simply MUST see this film for the breath taking wardrobe! It's the main reason that I would have loved to have been involved with anypart of the film at all and why I gasp with every change of scene. The outfits are immense and must have had the blood, sweat and tears of so many poured into them, and boy, believe you me, it was WORTH IT! Each outfit is flawless, so much so that it makes me want to cry...
Malena Canonaro, if you're out there, I LOVE YOU!
And Manolo Blahnik too, of course...
But most of all I love Sofia Coppola for actually writing and directing the entire caboodle, she is stunning and magnificent and could push my face in dirt, ANYTIME!
Not that that means anything...it was just off of the top of my head, you see?!

Anyway, one final mention of praise for the film. The SOUNDTRACK. And what a beauty it is too, featuring a clash of 80s nu wave music and baroque pieces. It perfectly sets the scene of a partying soul, moulded into an Aristicratic society. My favourite songs include Hong Kong Garden (With Strings Intro) by Siousxie and the Banshees as is sums up the film perfectly, I Want Candy (Kevin Shields Remix) by Bow Wow Wow because it backs one of the funnest scenes, and Fools Rush In (Kevin Shields Remix) also by Bow Wow Wow as it is such a dreamy, optimistic song that also makes you want to dance.
It's inspiring!

So as you can see...my favourite film is also one of my greatest chases...and now that I have attempted to get my love for it out of my system, I find myself wanting it even more! T__T Shame on me for being so consumingly WEAK!


Monday 15 September 2008

Anyway...back to chasing :D

Encountered a huge chase yesterday! Yep, I took a trip to the Big Smoke and the big smoke was one giant chase :D.
So, I'd like to dedicate this post to;
  1. The Gay Couple at the Bus Stop
  2. The Strangers on the Bus
  3. The Smiling Stall Holder
  4. The Fairy Lights
  5. The Thai Food
  6. The 6+ CDs
  7. The Dancing Japanese Man
  8. Campbells Soup, Roy Lichtenstein Fakes and Rocket Boy
  9. Greg James
  10. The Brad Pitt Polish Man
  11. The Well Expressioned Thai Man
  12. The Jewish Band
  13. The Swirly Swingers
  14. The Ultimate Brownie & Chocolate Frogs
  15. Whomever First Wrote HD
  16. Camden Bridge
  17. The Anime Man
  18. Premiers
  19. Pac-man Style Game; Ladybird
  20. & Finally, The Tallest Goth in the World.

I'll stop here, best not to get carried away, as you probably can tell, London was a blur of intrigue and lights. Lots of great characters and THE best pair of boots in the WORLD! They were Claf length, plain white other than the sailor sash spilling over the top. So cute...if I knew the brand I would steal a picture to represent these beauties...but I never checked for fear of seeming over eager XD.

I already miss being there, but more than anything I miss travelling through there at nighttime. I don't know how many people share my sentiments, but I don't think that there is anything more beautiful and breath-taking as a city at nighttime. With all of it's lights, smells, loud sounds, pounding music and THE PEOPLE! The sheer variety of beings that crawl out of the woodwork at dusk is awe-inspiring. I could quite happily spend a day just watching people, and then admiring the change in atmosphere and attitude that occurs as the sun shines it's last sunbeam for the day.

A good place for me was in the warehouse market (Can't remember the name :3), it was teeming with ethnicities and cultures, food and pushing people, stalls with loud, varied music and clothing to die for. It was all so beautiful, and it's odd that such a dark, croweded place could be inspiring...but then I've always been one for admiring social interactions (being so lame myself T___T).

London is such a place of intense power, beauty and tragedy. So many people want to be there and IT, and yet so many people spend every second wanting to get away from it. See, I have a thing for being swept away, and I've only just begun to acknowledge it.

I'm one of those who get a kick out of riding the bull of Sanity Loss backwards off of a cliff. It's like...I prefer the idea of a wild fling to a set out relationship. I like whims and taking a wild chance because I'm such a naturally indecisive individual that I love to let go every now and then, regardless of the consequences. It's one of the nicest things in the world.

So, that madness sums up my fanfics, my relationships and often my most impressive works of creation. So you see, my "relations" so far consist of one whimsical online yes that made no sense (won't be doing that again); one serious appreciation of the film Anchorman and persistancy; and the heady (Toxic!) mixture of glow stick juice and heavy bass.


Anyway, must dash, my mother is complaining about something...

"I wish I could write, I have these intense thoughts but I can't keep them still long enough to write them down..."

Stressful...Today can only be described as Stressful (note the 'S'). Double Pyschology, Double English and Art, Art club and Jazz Band Practise.
Got left on my own at lunch and had another table pick on me until Bryoni took pity on me and invited me onto hers. Here I spent an uncomfortable 5 minutes trying not to spill jacket potato, cheese and beans down my front before her unwelcoming friend, Becky. Eventually I gave up and took my blueberry muffin outside to enjoy.
It feels like I'm rotating in circles that I don't belong to, at the moment, with all of this change and shift in social balance, I can't work out how to react to, and interact with, other people. I've become a recluse again, it's now that I've begun to notice it a lot more...how tiring. I'm the type of person who struggles to socialise even though I'm afraid of being alone. I can't handle the pressure of small talk and take either a long while or a mass amount of encouragement to truly be able to react with another.
That's possibly why I treasure my friends so much; they're all social butterflies who surround me and bring out my better side. If it weren't for them then I'd most likely be the girl who sits in the library at the table on her own...well I am that girl most of the time anyway, but I still have people to assist me in opening up to the world around me.
I really struggle in lessons too, at the moment it's psychology that's the worst. I DID have a table to myself for the first lesson, but Mr. Emmet spoke to me at the end and encouraged me to sit on a table with two other girls for group work. They're both quite close, so when I attempt to pluck up the courage to chat with them, I know that really I'm just butting into their private conversation and that they interact with me just to be polite.
I'm so shy, but nobody can see that, they just see the ignorant, weird girl who can't seem to talk without punctuating her every sentence with a meaningless giggle.
Everyone seems to want to talk to someone else, and that's difficult...I'm trying so hard to come out of my shell because in order to succeed in life you need good social skills. But just as I begin to open my mouth, everyone shifts away.
In lessons, it also seems that everyone else is on a completely different wavelength to me...like over the summer, people spent their time in a library, submerged in books on how to become intelligent. They all took out the same book and studied it cover to cover.
I, however, spent my summer on the computor, fretting about homework and sleeping in longer than expected.
Now I come back and listen in lessons...the teacher asks a question and -low and behold!- I know the answer. Now, there are two ways that the situation can go; either the teacher picks another student and they give an answer that seems so obvious and far from my own answer that I feel embarrassed and glad I wasn't picked; or AM picked, give my answer which sounds great in my own head and the teacher takes it in, pulls a face, mutters something along the lines of 'yeah but also...' or 'that's good, not right but...anyone else?' and turns away.
When did I become so stupid that I can't even pick up on a simple answer to the easiest of questions?
It's embarrassing...
The only lesson that I feel good at is Textiles. I work so hard, in fact this blog was set up in the hopes of furthering my capabilities! I'm ahead of others, I'm trying to engage the teacher in my studies, I go out and do primary research, I submerge myself entirely. And in the end I get nothing in return. I'm not feeling the effects of reward, I'm feeling the effects of being useless and suprememly incapable.
I wish I could just gain some shred of acknowledgment from ANYONE! It would mean so much if someone were to just take a moment to say "hey, you're certainly putting in one hell of an effort! Well done you, it's showing in your work..."
I just want to give up and go to sleep, but I know that if I do then I'll miss out on something in important, I'll lose work time.
It's exhausting wanting and trying but being held at arms length from what you desire the most.
How am I to succeed in life if I can't even handle sixth form?!
I'm screwing up everything and I don't know it got out of hand so quickly.
I've always said that I love to see a shrink, just for novelties sake and to have some one to talk to. Someone who is duty bound to listen and focus on me. Now I figure I actually might NEED a psychiatrist (did I spell that right?). If I could have some kind of escape...that would be wonderful, but I don't have time for escape. THIS is my escape. And I shouldn't even really be doing it!
Eh, I got distracted...and thank god too! As if I could actually cram in anything more depressing?!?! XD Ok...promise that the next post will be more positive! :D
In fact I'll make sure of it, I'll be posting it up in another couple of minutes...XP


Saturday 13 September 2008

Cocoa Beans

My latest work of art; Cocoa Beans. A fanfic that I wrote as part of my Series of Meetings (Check out my FF Profile for more info holmes! Here) it features HD (nothing new!!) and is basically a few small scenes pasted togethor to make the short, cute story of how Harry and Draco could meet in a different universe.
So, here's a little clippit of something that was highly inspired, I truly chased for this baby :D.

Admittedly Secretarial work is probably not the best job for me; after all, my seriously short attention span and careless nature have to be taken into account. However, I enjoy it immensely as I get a desk and a charge/employer of my own and the power to control who gets to see him and who doesn’t. It’s incredibly satisfying, so satisfying in fact that it keeps me coming to work consistently and on time(ish) every morning.
I especially enjoy when work becomes slow and I can spend time chatting with Gracie who brings around the sandwich cart and Jules from accounting. Both of whom provide me with enough daily gossip to last me through my 8-5 pm shift, and in return I offer them my bitchy opinions and whatever treats I have stashed in my drawer that day.
Today, however, I don’t have any sweets or cakes.
“What the hell is this?” Gracie complains, thrusting a carrot stick between our equally unhappy faces.
I grimace and attempt to avoid her eyes, “too healthy?” ‘I knew it!’ “I got stuck in the vegetable aisle in Tescos and panicked; carrots were the only trustworthy items that I emerged with.” I grumble whilst nibbling one of the offending food stuffs with deep disgust and pondering the ‘anti-calorie’.
Do they exist?
If I eat enough will they balance out a slice of chocolate fudge cake?
Gracie snorts and pops one into her mouth, obnoxiously speaking around it as she crunches. “I just don’t understand, like, why you suddenly want to lose weight.” She swallows painfully and sighs in a manner that suggests that she is disappointed in me.
“I’m sure that the man -rude as he may have been, like- wasn’t actually making any reference to your weight. Besides, you boy, are one of the skinniest people that I know!” Gracie’s voice has a distinctly Cork accent from growing up in Ireland, it is an endless irritation for me to hear as working in Birmingham already exposes me on a daily basis to an accent that grates mightily upon my nerves.
“Can we, like, put sugar on these?” Gracie asks hopefully as she braves another carrot stick with the look of one charging head first into a pit of snakes. She has soft, curly brown hair, azure eyes and round cheeks with a dusting of freckles and this girlish look often contradicts with her irritable and sharp tongued nature.
She and I get on very well.
I tut at her and absently allow my pen to wander over a piece of paper that may or may not have been important.
“Don’t tempt me,” I warn, lifting up my false glasses to admire my work.
A cat-bird on a stick.
“Abstract,” I mutter and Gracie glances at me without any real interest.
When Jake gave me the job I ran a mile with the title ‘Secretary’. I bought fake glasses, brushed up on my rumour-mill handling skills and splurged on all a manner of office supplies, most of which I have never had –and most likely will never have- any use for.
“So,” I say nonchalantly, catching Gracie’s attention. “I’ve joined a gym.” I wait for her to stop laughing before I can continue on. “I’ve met a guy.”
Gracie instantly perks up and the Carrot Stick Drama in forgiven and forgotten.
“Details?” She gasps and I smirk at her.
“Scruffy, toned, green eyed…” I sparsely supply, like a pimp drawing out the addiction of his crack whore.
Indeed this information is not enough to satisfy her. “Name?” Her hands a planted flat upon my desk and she faces me head on, expression lit up with eagerness.
“Harry,” I announce with an invisible flourish, there is no need to give his last name as it is irrelevant.
Gracie grins and winks at me, “ooh, he sounds delicious, mind sharing, like?”
I snort then throw my pen at her, “not likely you common hussy!” I grin, suddenly glad to know and have her in my life.

That wil be all!

A couple of collected chases from my LJ!

Incidently, how do I do a cut? Can I not here?! It would make my blogage so much neater T___T.
Anyway, a well known rhyme that I remembered a while back and found interesting;
Monday's Child is fair of face,
Tuesday's Child is full of grace,
Wednesday's Child is filled with woe,
Thurday's Child has far to go,
Friday's Child is loving and giving,
Saturday's Child works hard for a living,
And the Child that's born on the Sabath Day is bonny and blithe and good and gay.
A gorgeous rhyme, one that reeks of childhood and sitting on grass in the sunshine. It perfectly fits my mood style at the moment. Unfortunately, I happen to be a Thursday's child...which seems to fit appropriately with me :/...oh man! XD
It reminds me of the beautiful song by Will Young which definately be longer, it sound last an hour so that I don't have to keep replaying it. It's so dreamy, why isn't it more popular? Because it was Will that sang it?! Surely not!
Check it out here! --> ~~Friday's Child- Will Young~~
So, some mini stories and clippets that I made to amuse myself. (I'm backing up everything I can!! XD)
One particuarly risque scene that I don't know what to do with (It doesn't fit in with my fanfics!! :O)
Gasping harshly, Draco turned his head to the side and was captivated by the image presented to him by the mirror on Harry's wall.
He gazed into heavily lidded eyes, grey iris conquered by pupil, that roved lazily over mussed hair, flushed cheeks and reddened lips that formed a loose 'o' shape. His shirt was trapped under him having been simply undone, pushed back and forgotten by Harry and his bare legs were crooked, clutching wantonly at Harry's sides.
The captured image of his 'coming undone' mesmerised Draco and he found that he couldn't take his eyes off of the reflection. He was intoxicated by the way that Harry's body melded into his, the other's tanned back arching down from his strong shoulder blades and back up to disappear into the waistband of his jeans. Draco watched his reflection lift a hand and trace it down Harry's spine, feeling every ridge and every tremor that Harry gave.
The other man was bracing himself upon his elbows placed either side of Draco, and his head was dipped down in order to place languid kisses on Draco's shoulder blades, neck and face. His skin glistened with sweat and the hairs curling at the nape of his neck were dampened, Draco could feel his hot breath as it drifted over him, causing fires under his skin that melted his bones.
Green eyes suddenly stabbed at him as Harry turned his head, following his sightpath, connecting their gazes and pinning Draco to the bed with the intensity of it all. The blond vaguely entertained the idea of purchasing a pensive for the sole purpose of storing this memory away, but the notion was lost almost instantly as if Harry's eyes had drowned out all conscious thought.
Draco was loathe to tear his eyes away from the mirror, almost unable even, but when he did, what he found was equally as breath-taking.
I'm finished with that XD...pretty good stuff, inspired oddly enough by a scene from the modern version of the Incredible Hulk (the one with Liv Tyler), where they try to get it on but he can't incase of a sudden breakout of the Sulkster. Anyway, it's the bit where they fall back on the bed, and I must say, for an average to unattractive man, he has a pretty nice back! :O
Incidently, that's the only piece of smut that I have ever written, just for the record!
Next up is a tiny story that I can't remember the origion of. It's simplicity makes me smile, so here it is; Chase fodder :D
One fine day at Hogwarts, Harry Potter was waggling and waving his wand around.
Normally Harry was very good at this, so good in fact, that he tended to attract crowds of spectators and die-hard fans.
Today, however, Harry waggled his wand a bit too hard.
"Do you mind?" The ordinarily silent and complacent wand suddenly cried, "what in merlin's name do you think you're doing boy?"
Harry scowled at his wand, "are you questioning me? How dare you, I'm Harry Potter!"
In a fit of righteous rage, Harry snapped his faithful wand in half and then proceeded to cry.
Another point of inspiration that I encountered a small while back was the lifelist group on livejournal (here). I joined up and wrote my own life list -to the suprising appreciation of a couple of people- and found that all of things I wish to accomplish are changing a little already...
But still, this list is inspiring and is so typically me...it's perfect :D.
Albiet a little small, maybe I should add some to it...
~Go to university and become a student. Go to wild parties and get discounts.
~Decide upon a career path. Hopefully one that is creative, impressive and pays well.
~Buy an apartment/studio. Decorate it wildly and hold intellectual dinner parties.
~Get a cat for said apartment/studio and allow it free reign. Either a cat or a ferret called Wally.
~Go to New York for 2 Weeks +
~Drink a Manhattan in Manhattan.
~Find the perfect pair of jeans. Bury them when they no longer fit.
~Convince the world (or anyone who will listen) that the anti-calorie exists. Be ambiguous, make scientific explanations up.
~Own a book collection large enough to crush a man to death. Lovingly name each book.
~ Read through Simon (my dictionary) from cover to cover. Memorise this for ;
~Perfect the art of the witty comeback, use impressive words such as 'discombobulate' and 'dotard'.
~Learn Japanese/Thai/Chinese/Italian/French/Russian...they are all beautiful languages...well perhaps not Chinese...
~Write a novel depicting my life in a fantastical, unbelievable manner. Perhaps a fantasy, sci-fi tale. Become a bestselling author.
~Own a bookstore/Flower shop/Coffee shop, adopt a foreign accent and become a professional People Watcher.
~Organise an underground rave.
~Visit Tokyo and Kyoto, two of the best anagrams since lemon and melon.
~Have an exhibition of work portraying life's journey. Make an installation. Wow people with kooky background music. Drink an abundance of champagne and Embarrass myself.
~Learn to play Chopin' "Fantaisie Impromptu". Evoke tears.
~Gather as many friends as I can, hold a giant picnic party.
~Go to Glastonbury.
Sounds perfect to me! :D

A short story I wrote for a friend a while back :D

There once was a wonky fairy named Blenda (lol), she was, like, a mega ace fairy who could cause miracles and other such badass stuff. She had white-blond wavy hair, rosy checks and a little red mouth that was constantly curled up into a smile.
One day, Blenda enroled into Miracle Academy and because she is a totally hardcore fairy they accepted her straight away! So she went there and learnt how to make magic happen and create (rather than just set up) miracles.
However, her academia (sp?) course didn't go as smoothly as you would think. No, it wasn't an education of sparkles and hearts and the like, it was solid! Also -and here you must gasp in horror- Blenda was bullied! The other Fairies picked on her because she was slightly wonky (and her eyes were too close together), so Blenda had to suffer discrimination and prejudice and such. At the end of most days, she couldn't wait to just go home, eat lollipops and get away from all the bully fairies at her Academy.
Soon enough, Brenda turned all of her attention to comfort eating and her grades began to slip and fall as the bullying got worse. Now she that had gained weight, the other fairies treated her worse. It was unbearable for Blenda.
One day was particularly bad for Blenda, she had gotten into trouble for not paying attention in class, and the fairies had thrown her lunch around and followed her home, yelling insults from five meters away. Blenda sat in her room considoring suicide; she had simply had enough. She couldn't tell the teachers at school about her problems as the bullies would call her a snitch and hate her more, and she couldn't tell her family, because she was too ashamed.
She felt weak because she never faught back, and useless, she couldn't work out why the other faries hated her so much. She had no friends. No one really talked to her at school. She was failing her course.
Blenda had never felt so depressed in her life.
However, she decided that to commit suicide was to give up, to lose faith and show weakness. She went to school again the next day, armed with the thought that -no matter what- her situation could only get better. She had cleared the lowest point.
Sure enough -and as is standard for fairy tales- a miracle did happen.
Blenda, made a friend.
Felicity was her name, and this fairy had seen the way that the others treated Blenda and decided to put a stop to it. She helped Blenda find the courage to tell her family of the discrimination she suffered, and they in turn helped Blenda tell the school about her problem.
Sure enough the bullies were made to see the error of their ways and left Blenda alone.
Our main Fairy soon found more friends and they all helped her to focus more on her studies. Eventually, Blenda reached her final examinations and passed them with flying colours! Her friends and she had all studied hard for the exams and the results showed this.
Now Blenda could create her own miracles, she could bring the same hope that her friends had given her to people in need. She was very successful and helped so many people it was a-mazing!And so -as is also standard for fairy tales- Blenda, the wonky Fairy who graduated flawlessly from Miracle Academy, lived happily. Ever. After.
lol...I'm such a silly sap

A little crafty chase

So, I got some printed paper from my local craft shop for pattern inspiration and to decorate my art adn textiles work with. And you know what, they are pretty gorgeous for pieces of card that are 50p each. Not bad at all :D!

I've decided to scan in the little beauties that I picked up. The best part is, that they are double sided! I have little, cute, mini patterns on the back! It's almost a shame to think that I'll be sticking them down...or will I? XD

Why does Snoop Dogg hold an umbrella? Fo' Drizzle!

I love that you can smell when it has snowed
I love iced gingerbread folk
I love to blow bubbles
I love to make cloud shapes
I love it when I can make swirling patterns in hot chocolate
I love silences that hold a thousand words
I love silhouettes in the sunset
I love photos that go unnexpectedly right
I love to cry at the TV
I love to scream at my PS2
I love it when I turn over to a new phase
I love the smell of fresh baking
I love it that I can wear what I like, but I can't wear it outside of my room
I love sprinkles and stars, sequins and arrows, polka dots and hearts
I love to see people going about their lives
I love to catch a smile from a stranger
I love to wear my wellington boots
I love elegance, but I prefer clumsiness
I love to imagine how many people have done a certain thing at that time *e.g. how many people in the world tripped up a step within the last second*
I love to savour chocolate underneath my tongue
I love to sing an entire song
I love to hear other people humming a song
I love to discover quirks
I love to stand on one leg
I love it when I can remember my dreams
I love it when I am the first to open things
I love to know secrets that don't matter to anyone but me
I love to watch people from my windowsill
I love to learn indepth about something that is irrelevent
I love to see the city
I love to see places at night
I love fairy lights that wink in the corner of your eye
I love to create mess, creative colourful mess
I love ethnic music, Indian classical is best
I -as of now- love palmistry, and being told that I am a highly creative person
I love to laugh I love double takes and shy smiles
I love to see my room feel golden
I love to feel that one day I'll be free -from what I'm not sure-
I love to feel that I have been productive
I love to be lucky

A mini-chase from a long time ago, inspired by watching the Simple Life for some reason :D...

A little scripture...

A friend asked a killer question a few months back which had me thinking. Always the best inspiration chaser (a good question)! So, her question was;

'If you had to make a movie, what genre would it be, who would star in it and what would it be about?'
This had us both firing ideas back and forth off of us and the gist of our brainstorm was that it stared Jake Gyllenhaal and Kirsten Dunst (my favourites) and also Matt Damon, Jude Law, Samual L. Jackson and TOM CRUISE! It's a 'cop' (that hurt...I'm British :{...) film with high action, high humor and hopefully high ratings!
So...a little snippet for my blogage that I wrote a millenium ago and possibly will never update. Ever again.
Bon Apetite! (or something....)
There are credits flashing onto the screen -action/blockbuster style- backed by a montage of lights, police sirens and speeding cars. It's night time and a car chase is taking place on the rainy, city streets of Boston.
A dark non descript car is being hounded by a police car, and in that police car seats two officers.
Officer Jennifer Davies -JD- (Kirsten Dunst?) is driving erratically, and her partner; Officer Zach Lambert (Jake Gyllenhaal) clings to his seatbelt and coffee cup in the passenger seat beside her.
Zach: Christ JD! You're gonna kill us!
JD: Calm down. [smirks] It's not exactly a high speed pursuit unless we're going fast, is it? Now be a good boy and shut up. [Takes a deep drag from the cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth]
Zach: I keep telling you not to smoke whilst you're driving the godamn car!
JD: Oh yeah, give me your hand then. [Zach obediently holds out his hand and she puts the cigarette out on his palm. Zach screams.]
JD slams her foot on the break, changes gear and skids the car around an unexpected corner and into an alleyway, the man driving the other car has abandoned it and can be seen in the flashing headlights running down the alley.
Zach: [Cradling his hand] What the fuck, JD?! Why'd you do that?
JD: There's no time to sit around crying about your damn hand, get out of the car!
They burst out of the car, leaving the doors wide open and give chase, closing swiftly in on their prey. Zach pauses and goes for his gun as they corner the man at a dead end, but JD continues to charge with every intention to use bloody, physical violence. The man, knowing that he is trapped, readily pulls out a knife and focuses on the advancing JD.
Zach: No, JD!
He fires his gun before she can reach the criminal and shoots the man in the foot. He keels over with a strangled cry and JD quickly handcuffs him, throwing in a swift kick for good measure.
The scene changes, the criminal Jack Lionel (Josh Hartnet) is sitting alone in an interrogation room, his head is bowed and he stares listlessly at the table top before him. He has dark brown, rumpled hair, a shabby suit and a lost expression.
Jack is startled by Zach entering with a coffee cup in his hand, Zach ignores him and leans against the opposite bleak, grey wall, sipping his coffee slowly. Jack tries to talk to him in halting tones, but is interupted when JD barges throught the door. JD slips into a chair across the table from Jack and fixes him with an intense stare.
Jack: I don't what you want, but I know that I'm innocent. I can't help y-
JD: You ran from us, [she turns to Zach] if he was innocent then why would he run?[Jack inhales sharply, his anxious gaze flicking from one officer to another]
Zach: [shrugs, his eyes fixed upon Jack as he addresses his partner] I don't know, JD, why would he? Surely he wouldn't run if he had nothing to hide.
Jack: No! I swear, I haven't done anything! [his breathing becomes laboured and heavy]
JD: So you don't know anybody by the name of Linderman, and you've never heard of Ardour?Jack: A-ardour, no I-
JD: Liar! [she grabs him by his tie and yanks it down and towards her, he is pulled forwards and his nose smashes against the table with a resonating crunch.]
Jack: Shit! [he grabs his nose. Blood drips from between his fingers.]
Zach: [places a box of tissues on the table beside Jack, the officer does not look surprised, rather, assured as if by something familiar.]
JD: [agressively] Who gave you those drugs?
Jack: [weakly] I don't...I can't-
Jack: [Hastilly] DeGroat! Conrad DeGroat.
Jack Lionel falls back with a sob, clutching his bloody nose with a hand full of tissues. Zach nods at JD and leaves, his partner sneers at the whimpering man for a moment and then shoves her chair back with a harsh screech and stalks away.
10 minutes later the two cops are called to their head of department's office, they file in cooly. Sergent Oscar Detroit (Samual L. Jackson) is siting behind his large mahgany desk, upon which several files, pens and photos lie. He fixes them with a look that clearly shows his displeasure and indictes the chairs before him.
Detroit: Sit, Officers. [his tone leaves no room for argument and even JD sits without a word] Somewhere in the distant reaches of my mind, I seem to recall reprimanding you two for your use of violence in the interrogation room. Now I am willing to accept that, in the field, sometimes your actions are those of self defense, duty or even natural, human fear. But in the interrogation room there is no need to use force on a suspect who is already caught and under close surveillence.
JD: Sir, sometimes a little force is neccessary to loosen the tounge of-
Detroit: [loudly] I don't care when and where you believe "a little" force is neccessary. [His voice drops once more to a dangerous low level] I tolerate a lot of rule breaking an unacceptable behaviour from the pair of you, and that's because you work hard and do a damn good job. But I will not be tolerant for much longer![JD scowls but remains silent.]
Zach: I promise to keep violence to a minimum, sir.
Detroit: I hope you stick to that promise, for all of our sakes.
Zach: We have a lead from Jack Lionel; our suspect. A name.
Detroit: Good, good. Well follow this lead, by all means, but I suggest that ,should you feel unable to hold your tempers in this case, [he pointedly looks at JD] you should hand it over to someone else.
Zach: [quietly] of course, sir.
Detroit: Alright then, you may leave. Happy hunting, officers.
JD storms out with Zach following meekly in tow, Sgt. Detroit watches them go with a look of tired amusement.

Friday 12 September 2008

A little unedited clippit

"Here comes one now!" A loud voice to the right of Harry cried and all heads turned towards the entrance to Harrods.
They had been planning this for months and Harry was excited to finally be taking action.
He grinned at the overly eager boy beside him. "Ready, Collin?"
Collin bounced on his toes, beaming from ear-to-ear as he handed Harry a can of paint.
"More than ready, Harry!"
It was his first time and Harry could relate to the adrenalin that was pumping wildly throughout his body. The thrill of taking a stand and speaking out against those without sympathy and understanding was immeasurable.
Harry remembered his first time fondly as he saw the figure approaching the doors before them.

Draco felt incredibly pleased with himself.
He had decided to treat himself to a mountain bear-fur coat and couldn't wait to parade about on the streets. He would certainly turn heads and the prospect of all of the admiring looks and attention that he was promised had him salivating.
His full carrier bags jostled eagerly against his legs and his newly purchased coat swirled impressively against his lithe frame.
Draco looked GOOD!
He smiled merrily at the doorman as he approached the exit only to find his path blocked.
"I'm sorry, sir, but it is within your best interests to wait before leaving." The doorman apologetically explained, holding the door firmly shut.
Draco frowned, this wouldn't do! "I'm afraid I must leave immediately; mother will be waiting on me to join her for lunch and my new coat must be presented to the adoring public!"
The doorman sighed, yet another self-righteous, all important customer. They just didn't listen! "I'm SORRY, sir" he repeated forcefully. But I cannot let you out-"
"Move out of my way, doorman!" Draco cried dramatically and using his bags as a driving force, barraged his way past and threw open the doors with a dramatic flourish.
He was met by a huge crowd of screaming, blatantly unwashed people and sighed. They weren't the awe-inspired well groomed spectators that he had hoped for, but Draco was a humble and grateful mand, and he would work with the vagrants offered if he needed to.
He posted on a winning smile as he began to push through the screaming masses. Why did they all have to yell?
The sheer volume of noise was beginning to make Draco's sensitive ears ache, but he braved on, smiling and nodding at the dirty, noisy people who all seemed to be waving signs around.
Was this some sort of mad cult?
When it seemed that he wouldn't be able to advance through the crowd using his charms alone Draco began to elbow and shove.
Mother would berate him his tardiness!
"Move! Get out of my way, you damn collective of mongrels!"
They seemed to get louder, as though they were INCENSED.
A body suddenly planted itself firmly in his path.
This greatly infuriated Draco, he had somewhere to be and these jostling ingrates were making him LATE!
He stared down the man before him and yelled "excuse me!"
All of this pushing and shoving was going to ruin his coat...
The man screamed something intelligable back and Draco was about to ask him to repeat it when a can of red paint was unceramoniously thrown over him.
Over his divine, new coat.
Draco let out a howl of pain, indignation and misery. Why paint?!
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
The man shoved a sign in his face, it bore red letters and odd pictures but Draco was in no mood to admire this man's art work.
"Do you realise how many innocent animals had to die for your disgusting caot?" Tha man cried, obnoxiously pushing his sign into Draco's nose. "We're protesting for the rights of these poor creatures!"
"Proest this!" Draco had lost his temper and pushed the placard out of the way in order to punch the other man in the face.
Admittedly, Draco had never hit anyone before in his life and found that it hurt him more than he had anticipated.
A lot more.
"Ow! Oh Christ!" He screeched, clutching his hand as his eyes watered with pain.
To add insult to injury, the other man appeared to be fine.
"We're the voice of the voiceless!" The men crowed triumphantly and the crowd cheered. Draco could hear sirens and was beginning to lose his head.
"That doesn't make sense, you raving mad plebian! You've ruined my coat!"
He grabbed his shopping bags that had been lost during the mayhem and began to swing them wildly, hitting people on all sides as he bombarded the protester.
The noise and atmosphere of his surroundings were chaotic and he bellowed insanely . People were still jostling about and when someone grabbed him from behind he freaked out.
Five minutes later he was being escorted into the back of a police car as hoards of protesters rioted, fighting with the police who were attempting to subdue them.
The office whom Draco had assulted was mopping irritably at his bloody nose and shooting dark looks at the blond.
"Will this take long? Mother will be wondering where I am." Draco whined.
"Oh no," the officer replied with a forboing tone. "Not long at all."

"What do you mean 'all night'?! I'm innocent, I didn't DO anything!" Draco clutched at the bars of his shared cell, filled with righteous indignation.
A vague voice floated happily over to him. "No one is truly innocent."
He scowled at the woman sitting nearby, she had been acting gormless and supplying useless input for the past hour.
"Oh, do shut up." He told her irritably from his position beside the bars.
"Leave her alone!" Unfortuantely, Draco didn't just have to share his cell with the mad hippy, but also the mad protester.
Draco chose to ignore him, "when my father arrives to collect me, you'll all be sorry...are you listening to me? Hellooo?!"
The guard approached with a scowl, and Draco was preparing to give him an earfull when the guard spotted the protester.
"Hullo, Harry!" The guard broke into a grin and Draco found the expression highly disturbing.
The coat wrecker perked up and beamed back "alright, Phillip?"
"Not bad, not bad" Phillip responded jovially, "back again I see?"
"Couldn't keep away!" Harry joked and the hippy laughed airily.
Draco felt sick.
"I want my call!"

That's all I got right now....and probably for a very long time....but there you have it. So is the scatty brain and painfully short attention-span I have been gifted with.

That's your Chasing for today!

Inspiration today is as follows:
*Tea- Parties
*Chinese Food
*Pastel colours
*China and chintz
*Alice in Wonderland
*Marie Antionette
*Butter and Sugar
*Chopin's- Minute Waltz (Op 64 No.1)
& Franz Liszt's- Liebestraum.
Ok, the gist of this whole lollapalooza is to jot down everything that makes me smile or has a profound effect on me during the day. These could be smells, sights, memories, sounds...everything!
Currently in textiles I'm working on a little project to do with Fashion/Furnishing Accesories and I intend to create a scarf with mittens attatched. We were initially given the theme of nature to work on and so I spent the Summer Holidays hoarding and fretting only to find that I could then alter at will.
So I transgressed, from nature, to fruit, to crystalised fruit, to winter, to winter wonderland, to Alice in Wonderland, to TEA PARTIES!
And that's where I am now :D.
Researching tea parties, tea cakes, tea cups and tea pots like a teen girl possesed. Unfortunately, my fevered work has gone unnoticed so far, which sucks like crazy. I'm putting everything I have in and getting zip-all back out! Seriously, I have no social life, my mind is entirely dedicated to Textiles, I'm even thinking of dropping English Combined inorder to make way for EXTRA textiles research time!
Anyways, that can be all for now update wise...I think I'll take a little time to pimp out my blogage with a little Something Something. Namely some points of interest from other blogs and such. Give it a little touch of me :)