Thursday 27 November 2008

Writer's Group and that veritable Smoorgasboard...

So, Writer's update! We were considoring personification this week and looked at Sylvia Plath's 'Mirror'. First I did a poem on...well, see if you can guess!
If I were you I'd be ultimately smart.
With an astronomical memory.
every birthday I get better
I am like an inquisitors gift,
open me up
Find black and white delights fir the knowledge hungry.
That's all I got for that.
DICTIONARY! :D So creative I am...
Then we did a little loosening up exercise and did word vomit on the page:
Primordeal Soup:
Sweet chunks of potato and candy cane,
scrap that. Anyway, pink, white, grey; the rats rainbow.
See the spectrum of inky colours fan across that plastic sheet of fake paper.
Paper, pier, bagels and cream cheese dipped in honey and smoothered in the caramalised homeless.
Tartan, thick warm and scratchy.
Word Vomit indeed! XD I really don't understand, but it together...right?
Anways, next we all had to work on a personification of a pen;
Mightier than the sword
That's what they call me. It's my title if you must know.
I am elementary, age-old and yet fresh, young. Remixed, new and hip.
Old-school dip.
Slick and...
If I am so powerful
What would you use me for?
If every letter I spell, each loop, swirl and line I deposit has the power to kill.
What would you use me for?
Finally we were supposed to write something personifying an emotion. I chose to do two and compare them, chosing of course---LOVE AND HATE! :D
My original is not all that good, I didn't even finish it, but I am going to rewrite it...maybe put it in the next post, so I'll finish this one on that note and come back to you with the new REMIX.
Oh! just incidently, school has become very...exciting?
Writers- Making an Anthology which will be published.
Art- Entering an exhibition competition down in LONDON!
English (based)- have taken the position as co-editor and fashion department in the brand new school newspaper, publishing begins January.
Textiles- Beginning new BIG project- ergo Nautical Playsuit.
Photography- Practising and gaining material for exhibition.
Jazz Band- Readying Soiree pieces (including 'Respect' Arethra Franklin)
Steel-Pan Drumming- Readying for Soiree also, pieces being 'Deck the Halls' and 'Silent Night'
Youth Enterprise- Readying plans for stall in Leicester, preparing goods.
Hello! How can one small girl HANDLE all of that?! XD Anyway, rubbish poem then I promise that I'll go! :D
It manifests and grows.
Spawning and festering in the darkest corners of every mind.
Sparked by spurn, jealousy, anger, misery.
Left to itself it takes over, possesion and power.
They entwine in places.
That fine line can become thinner.
A net movement?
The membrane of hysteria, chaos.
They meet and mingle and the heady mixture is claustraphobic.
The dance is endless.
...has not finished this...needs rewriting badly XD....

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