Tuesday 11 November 2008

I have always relied upon the kindness of strangers...

I've decided to take the nonsense notes that are stored on my iPod and turn them into little clippits of scenes in an attempt to get some creative juices flowing...

=== Since discovering cable television, Draco had become obsessed with it's many channels and veiwing options. Harry found it routine to return home from the office and find the blond fixated on the screen, taking notes and ignoring his presence.
Harry was not about to complain however, as it was simply a matter of personal choice and a habit that was of minor convinience to others; Harry liked to donate staggering amounts of money to charities. Draco liked to watch porn like a soap opera.
It was all relative really.===
=== "Harry dance with me," Draco demanded, holding out one hand and placing his champagne flute onto the table, where Ron, Hermione and Ginny sat, with the other.
Harry snorted, "not happening", and sat down with the others.
Draco fumed for a moment or so, casting a beady eye around.
"Granger." He sharply called.
Hermione smiled patiently, "I'm a Weasley now, Draco." Ron gave her a pleased look which she returned with interest.
Draco rolled his eyes, "don't let it get you down" he said with a hint of pity. "Dance with me."===
===Draco had found a comfort in wearing shorts to wander about the house in, on mornings. He would emerge from the room, stretching and yawning blearily, lean on the kitchen doorframe for a moment or so to gather his bearings, and move to the table and demand breakfast.
Harry liked to take advantage of Draco's distracted routine to secretly shrink his shorts by a centimetre each morning. What had started out as a bid to expose more flesh had turned into everyday routine, Harry was interested on just HOW short he could make Draco's shorts before the blond noticed and all hell was let loose.
It wasn't that Harry didn't often see Draco naked, it was just that he didn't see him naked ENOUGH.===
===Every now and then, Harry's job took him on trips and overseas meetings that would keep him from returning home for days. He had returned, on one occasion, after a grueling week spent in Paris at an endless board-meeting, one day later than expected and rushed up the steps to their house and knocked on the door loudly and anxiously.
He had missed Draco immensely, and so bought him a mountain of presents during his free time to set things right.
He was just bouncing eagerly on the step
oh that's put me off it all now :/....
how rubbish!!

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