Friday 7 November 2008


Don't know what happened with last post, but it came out riddled with extra paragraphing spaces that I DID NOT PUT IN! I actually spent ages trying to delete them to no avail T__T.
But there you have it, me and bloggy just don't see eye to eye I guess...:/
Carrying on, I'll start with...Writer's group! Erm...*must fetch folder* ham so organized...
So, on the theme of Halloween (a week late) we were asked to (list for readings sake):
*Get into pairs
*Decide on Killer or Victim
*Write a dual POV story (short) of murder.
I worked with a guy who decided that we'd do a murder, with his POV being a dwarf with a pickaxe. I loved it so we went ahead and planned my gory, innocent death.
Here's my POV story :)
A ripping, sucking noise of which I'm not too familiar and a mighty smash.
Did I leave the T.V. on?
It's typical, that as I leave the room after a 12 hour marathon of Eastenders, that the T.V goes and does one on me.
I head into the living room; vacating the kitchen and leaving my hard earned tea to cool. Depressing.
As it turns out, the T.V. is fine. Just as I left it...actually no, switched on. I sigh and turn it off, feeling shifty. It would be so much easier to lay the blame on the cat.
If I had one.
It is, as I turn to leave, that I see him.
A dwarf.
Sorry, "Little Person". Must be P.C.
He's standing by my hoover, wearing full body armour, grasping a pickaxe and looking ratty.
Mildly surprised I ask; "Can I help you? Are you lost?"
I am nothing, if not ever-caring and help-offering. The perfect hostess.
The Little Person looks positively feral and I wonder, did I say something wrong?
That age old question.
This I am pondering as he takes a mighty leap and swings his pickaxe through the air.
It seems that he has murderous intent. And it is with determination that he drives it into my skull.
I would tell you more, but I'm dead.
Now that I look back upon it, I realise that my story isn't actually all that great written down. But when narrated, it turns out half decent :D. Some of the other stories were really good, those two being Alan's and Clare's. Alan's was plain creepy...:S...
Oh yeah! Looking back, I've found another C.W. entry for ya. This one was based on a picture that we were given that didn't relate to our own personality at all. I got two men with brief cases striding across a London bridge. Using this picture we were supposed to write something, anything, from one person in the picture's P.O.V.
I was the bald, short guy at the front;
It's grey and bleak.
My day that is. In fact, not just my day, the weather too.
I slog alaong, my steps as heavy as my breifcase. People rush past on either side, pushing and shoving with expressions of murderous intent. Extreme discontent.
They hurry by in their sharp suits and shiney shoes, I considor the difference in our lives.
A ratio of happiness.
I like to hope that I'm the higher; the luckier; the happier.
Troy walks behind me. He's talking fast an furious, crap spewing from between his lips and splattering those in the vacinity. Self-important and overly ambitious.
I believe the term is 'Delusions of Grandeur'...
And...I didn't finish it off but I figure it's better that way so I never shall! Take that! :D.
Also! -I notice looking back at bloggy- I have nothing about Michaelangelo Caravaggio. I LOVE Caravaggio, and I don't know why...I've just...fallen for him.
Admittedly, it's a pretty one-sided affair, seeing as he's been dead for centuries T__T.
So, he's this guy -who, if he had a movie should be played by Robert Downing Jr. I.M.O- who was raving and painted for churches and important people and killed a guy because he was drunk. He's so mad and whirlwindy that I can't help but admire his typical artistic nature. Genius.
Also, he did a couple of pictures of little boys that a lot of critics say lean towards homoerotic.
Such as (my two favourites);

Boy With a Basket of Fruit

Amor Victoris

I love 'Boy W...' the sultry expression on that kid's face is, creepy? Kinda hot? I say kid, I think the model was about 15/6...XD.

Yeah, saying 'Kid' seems a little paedophillic...

I don't know what to think, only that Caravaggio is a little bit legend :).

Another artist that I have currently got a bit of a Chase crush on is Jack Vettriano (currently still alive XD), who is SELF-TAUGHT and paints some pretty tense pictures! I mean seriously...let me show you a picture or two to explain my point...ahem.

Erm...I'll do it in another post XD XD...

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