Wednesday 19 November 2008

Flip flop, scuba bop, shake it baby don't stop.


I'm a little confused, I'll admitt, well not confused as such...more...rattling.

My head rattles when I try to squeeze my thoughts into processable paste :/. Like an empty aerosol...oh me.

I don't think I'm cut out for it all. Like, there are protocols and behaviour policies, and don't do this or that because there's a chance that you're out! A game that you have to play for many years before you get the hang of it. Those who do well get paid a wealthy amount for being naturally talented. And those who aren't good enough are left standing up against that playground wall.

You know?



Ambiguous is what we aim for, down at Tree headquarters :D.

-"Obviously you weren't loved enough as a child." He sneered.

Everyone was silent.

"That's not funny." She said, laying a protective hand on his hunched shoulders.

He raised an eyebrow "really? I thought so."

"Just," he made a violent move forawards and he jump backwards, out of reach.

"Oh honestly, just calm down. Did you ever think that it could be a good thing?" He asked impatiently.

He scowled "How could it eve-"

"THINK." He interrupted loudly, "It gives you an excuse."

"For what?" she enquired.

"Why, for your Social Redundancy." -

Can't remember the rest T__T. DAMN SOLITAIRE!

Good one Tree!


Um...not really much to update on actually (chase-wise) other than the new twist to my textiles themes. Now we're starting a new project (scarf still uncompleted XD), and I'm -hoping to!- do a playsuit based on....


One of my favourite themes :3....I love my nautical socks!

Anyway, yeah, I've been looking like crazy for nautical clothing for Mood Boards and comparative shops and all that jazz and I find that it's SO HARD to find anything! It's riddiculous...but there you have it :D.

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