Friday 7 November 2008

Come on Ramone, let's do the bad thing!

Christ, I'd like to confess to leaving the previous post halfway through because I was lazy...
I'm not exactly proud...but there you are. I'll just have to do a really long, mind-numbing post right now. :D
Okay, so I'll finish off the other post first;
So, her amahzingness kind of inspired me to write my own short, performance poetry piece (WOO!), thus!
She crawls forward
Skin, bones and half-crazed for
fame, a name.
She begs, keens aims to appease as she's on her knees
Raises parched, prune-like palms and cries
"Please sir, can I have less?
Because less is more (or so they say).
And I'm thinking of days
When I'm on the stage
Turning a phrase,
Starting a phase,
Is the new beige."
In the world today
You're no one until you're a someone.
And to be someone
You need to dream,
The one.
She's up there with the lights on
The crowds go wild,
She starts to smile,
She's famous for a while.
Then it's gone.
"Because less is more- more or less."
And she took her final famous breath.
Also, I forgot to put in a little quote from one of her poems -'RnB'- that I love. It just makes me smile.
"You've got more kick than red rum,
You're red raw, red-handed, red-hot,
I metamorphose into blue-nun.
You're love lies bleeding, I'm forget-me-not. "
So! Now that that's all over and done with I can continue on. And I shall do with random highlights from the past...month? XD Oh lord, it's been almost that long?!
For some reason, my inner-child is desperate to start with a rubbish picture that I did a while back of Batman (vaguely) and if my scanner feels like co-operating, I can share it with you..

There he is! It's (vertically) Batman Caught in a Whirlwind with Half-Formed, Unattatched Cape Surrounded by Unassuming Flowers. That'll sell for loads, you saw it here first!
Moving swiftly on :D (quick-fire like this is!) I'll show you some pictures from two cake books found for me by none other than Alan Rickman!

Those books are called 'Pretty Party Cakes' By Peggy Porschen and 'Cupcake Magic' by Kate Shirazi.
And I will leave this post here and go onto a new one for space's sake :D.
Good old space...

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