Sunday 16 November 2008

Where's his armies? Up his sleevies!

I haven't got much to say, just killing time here :D.
Have recently rediscovered my amorous love for Maroon 5 with their Spider-Man soundtrack song 'Woman'. Also found new love for Electrocute with their groovilicious song 'Bikini Bottom' which -naturally- is part of the Spongebob Squarepants Movie soundtrack.
Good times.
So, textiles is still hectic but fun as. Practical is supposed to be finished next Friday approx. 8:45 AM . It is currently 02:12 AM Sunday. I have no scarf, only many decorative 'things'.
It looks promising Captain.
However, I made two of the cute white rabbits alive! They're so adorable that I've decided to name them both; Chase and Wally...
I'm going to try and scan them!
Is that healthy for baby rabbits? :D

There's my lost little rah-bbit with his little golden buttons :3.

Not much in the way of White Rabbit and more Peter Rabbit. But then Peter's always been the better bunny.

Bought a new game today, it's mediochre to rubbish really. Nothing in comparison to the Final Fantasy giants anyways. Also had a recent revival of Jade Coccoon 2 madness, despite the fact that the dialogue is diabolical and the game play is incredibly sameish.

Can't you just taste christmas right now?

It's suddenly everywhere and that's great! Especially the new M&S advert, because it makes you feel so warm and fuzzy and 'let's open the presents now!' ish. Next Saturday is Winter shopping in the city day. Ham so excited(ish)! We'll be getting a new Christmas Tree soon.


What I really want though is a new pair of socks from Accessorize, bring on the stocking! :D

Incidently, I saw a model in Vogue (Sept/Nov? I forget...) who has exactly the same pair of socks as me (Accessorize)! I actually screamed. First time I've ever seen anything of mine advertised in Vogue before! I think...

It's so cool. I will most likely frame the article and then tell my Grandchildren. Not that there's any danger of grandchildren in the near future to be honest. Woah mama...

Considering my previous post, I can certainly tell that, on the fanfiction side of things, I'm failing spectacularly. I don't even really care :D. Also, I was too lazy to get involved with NaNoRimMo, which is a shame as it sounds really quite cool! But there you are...I AM lazy and I love it!!

I think I'm going to go a play with my body friend now, as he's cool as.

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