Wednesday 15 October 2008

The Sponge Plug in the Sinkhole of Society.

Last week I did not update, shame on me! And especially so because I have a great chase to throw about.
Last Tuesday I travelled to Leicester with Minks, Boris, Harry and Ben and we joined the gathering at Word at the Y Bar. Word is a collection of people that meet the first Tuesday of every month to perform poetry and share their work.
Very inspiring!As well as participants and general public (it's open) we also had guest speakers on, mostly people who have won awards and such (very exciting, they were incredible!) but one particular performer was Patience Agbabi.
Let me tell you, she was stunning! She was...last on? No I'm not sure but it doesn't matter anyways. If I'm correct in thinking so, she was in the first performance poetry pop band, think Faithless, that's the genre I'm talking about.
She was announced and glided towards the slightly raised platform complete with microphones and began to perform and I was MESMERISED! She's incredible, her poems are amazing, she's just all confidence and enrapture rolled into one thin, ebony skinned, powerful woman.
Her poems are just as powerful as she, if you've never encountered Performance Poetry, think once again of Faithless and their rhythmic lines, rap with a little less brag and a little more passion.
I bought one of her books; 'Transformatrix' which wasn't the one that I wanted but nevertheless, equally as incredible. I wanted 'Bloodshot Monochrome' T__T shame...
Also I've been looking for the word format of one of the poems that she performed, but I can't find it because I can't remember the title, but it was a mirror poem and was SOOOO clever it's mind-boggling.
So, an example of a poem that she read out, 'Prologue' from Transformatrix. Please imagine the driving rhythm as you read!
Give me a word
any word
let it roll across your tongue
like a dolly mixture.
Open your lips
say it loud
let each syllable vibrate
like a transistor.
Say it again again again again again
till it's a tongue twister
till its meaning is in tatters
till its meaning equals sound
now write it down,
letter by letter
loop the loops
till you form a struacture.
Do it again again again again again
till it's a word picture.
Does this inspire?
Is your consciousness on fire?
Then let me take you higher.
Give me a noun
give me a verb
and I'm in motion
cos I'm on a mission
to deliver information
so let me take you to the fifth dimension.
No fee, its free,
you only gotta pay attention.
So sit back, relax,
let me take you back
to when you learnt to walk, talk,
learnt coordination
and communication,
If you rub two words together you get friction
cut them in half, you get a fraction.
If you join two words you get multiplication.
My school of mathematics
equals verbal acrobatics
so let's make conversation.
Give me a preposition
give me an interjection
give me inspiration.
In the beginning was creatition
I'm not scared of revalations
cos I've done my calculations.
I've got high hopes
on the tightrope,
I just keep talking.
I got more skills than I got melanin
I'm fired by adrenaline
if you wanna know rhyme it is
it's femenine.
Cos I'm Eve on an Apple Mac
this is a rap attack
so rich in onomatopoeia
I'll take you higher than the ozone layer.
So give me Word for my windows
give me 'W' times three
cos I'm on a mission
to deliver information
that is gravity defyingf and I'll keep on trying
till you lose your fear of flying.
Give me a pronoun
give me a verb
and I'm living in syntax.
You only need two words to make a sentence.
I am I am I am I am I am
bicultural and sometimes clinical,
my mother fed me rhymes through the umbilical,
I was born waxing lyrical.
I was raised on Watch with Mother
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
and Fight the Power.
Now I have the perfect tutor
in my postmodern suitor,
I'm in love with my computer.
But let me shut down down
before I touch down.
Give me a word
give me a big word
let me manifest
express in excess
the M I X
of my voice box.
Now I've eaten the apple
I'm nore subtle than a snake is.
I wanna do poetic things in poetic places.
Give me poetry unplugged
so I can counter silence.
Give me my poetic licence
and I'll give you metaphors that top eclipses
I'll give megabytes and megamixes.
Give me a stage and I'll cut form on it
give my a page and I'll perform on it.
Give me a word
any word.

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