Tuesday 9 December 2008

Tonic, Supertonic, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant, Submediant, Leading Note and TONIC!

Writers update!!! :D
So today was sort of Past, Present, Future thang. I'll cut to the chase;
Round and sacharine sweet.
It's grasped in my hand and I wander.
Wander through reds and yellows, oranges.
Strawberries, lemons and..oranges.
Rutic tones and earthy pleasures.
Rich delight in the fading, smiling sun.
I run a little, snap branches, get my coat caught. Snagging on little eager limbs and there's laughter.
and Laughter.
In Hokey Pokey Lane.
It's dark.
Darkness and silence, silence and...music.
Natural music created by the warmest, homliest of mothers.
We dance and it's endless.
The raindrops chime ad chatter, splash on the floor- cobbles, paving.
Grey and black and twinkling white lights.
The Monochrome Waltz.
Tap tap tap tap
the clock
my pen
some feet
a chair,
I can't believe I'm sitting here.
Tap tap tap tap
white sheet
blank mind
this test
a grind,
I can't believe I cannot find
the answer.
Dear Diary,
Things are so quiet that I can hear myself think. It's not pretty, being left to my own mind. Quite often I find it easier to fill my ears with buzzing.
That dull roar of Insect Swarms and Thought Dragons.
They circle in my head, the cacophony is resounding.
It's dark too.
Not so dark I can't see myself, the lights still work of course but.
In the metaphorical sense,
an abstract noun, it's dark.
As though all the lights in the world are pointing to the stark whit trtuh that we cannot cope without that other life.
The fake life, artificial sources.
Life as we know it has had a temporary abortion.
Tree Xx
There you have it! Doesn't make too much sense but there you are. :D I'll tell you this.
One is the Millenium Bug. Two are Weather. And the other is Tests.
Easy!!! :P

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