Tuesday 17 March 2009

Only a quick update :)

Because I'm lazy, and i like it that way!

So bloggywogg, it's been a little while :)...okay a really quick long while. I won't lie to you, I'm a little ashamed. Just a little :D.

So, I only really have time to do a little posty.

Maybe I'll catch up soon, if I remember XD

So, writer's group usual!


Sprig Jew Fabric


Smeared lipstick over a curved cheek,

Dark, material circles over glittered lashes

covering dilated pupils and sparkling irises.


The youth rejoice in shared age and financial status.

Young, rich and pretty.

These sprigs cavort in contant ecstacy,

energetic felicity that reeks of the untouchable.


The fathers; slick, hard nails of buildings

immovable in their success and archaeic power.


They live fast. Spend faster.

Squandering a lifetime in a single night.

Flushing away their happiness.

Leaving a hollowed shell, the headless structure of a bitter creature.

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