Friday 3 October 2008

He had freckles. Good for him.

I'm at a loss. A serious loss!
Drop Dead Gorgeous has officially finished so...what do I do now?
Just to elaborate, DDG (one of THE greatest HD fics) written by Mistful has just been concluded on livejournal. It was so perfect, I'm just...empty XD.
I should be jumping for joy -MOUNTAINS ARE CLEARED!- but I'm kinda all 'oh...oh man, now I have to find something else to read...'
I would put up a link, but the fic is going to be taken down within a couple of days (T___T), I'll just have to ensure that I pick up the PDF file before it's too late!
So yeah, DDG= absolutely stunning and tastily gorgeous *drool*.
It's up there in my top five.
I think it reaches number 2 at the VERY least (consults bebo).
So I spent the last hour or so consulting Bebo, and found that my top 5 is more of a top 4...beacuase I'm indecisive and can't bring myself to make a final decision.
1. The Loft
2. Drop Dead Gorgeous (link is invalid from the 6th T___T)
3. Bond
4. Yorkshire Puddings
And I chose that 4 in particular because I can quite happily read them over and over and over again.
QUITE happily...
So, my previous post HAD been about other fanfictions, when it was innexplicably deleted! Deleted in all of it's glory! So I'm going to try to recreate it...but with difficulty.
Well, as you might be able to tell, my head is quite often filled with fanfiction of all kinds -but mostly HD-, recently much more so. Currently, in a bid to find interests OTHER than HD AU post Hogwarts...I have been cruising HP Flavoured Crack, a rec website, that is updated multiple times a day as far as I can tell, with quite a variety of fanfiction pairings -all Harry Potter though-.
Let me tell you, I have come across some new pairings, namely; AliciaKatieAngelina, HarryDracoLuna, HarryRonSeamus, HarryDeanNeville(?!?), PansyCho, ChoAngelina, PercyOliver, TeddyJamesScorpius, PercyOliverHarry, DeanSeamus and LunaGinny...
Anyway, they've all been weird and such, and I'm much too tired to elaborate eloquently so...yeah :D XD...

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