Tuesday 9 December 2008

Tonic, Supertonic, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant, Submediant, Leading Note and TONIC!

Writers update!!! :D
So today was sort of Past, Present, Future thang. I'll cut to the chase;
Round and sacharine sweet.
It's grasped in my hand and I wander.
Wander through reds and yellows, oranges.
Strawberries, lemons and..oranges.
Rutic tones and earthy pleasures.
Rich delight in the fading, smiling sun.
I run a little, snap branches, get my coat caught. Snagging on little eager limbs and there's laughter.
and Laughter.
In Hokey Pokey Lane.
It's dark.
Darkness and silence, silence and...music.
Natural music created by the warmest, homliest of mothers.
We dance and it's endless.
The raindrops chime ad chatter, splash on the floor- cobbles, paving.
Grey and black and twinkling white lights.
The Monochrome Waltz.
Tap tap tap tap
the clock
my pen
some feet
a chair,
I can't believe I'm sitting here.
Tap tap tap tap
white sheet
blank mind
this test
a grind,
I can't believe I cannot find
the answer.
Dear Diary,
Things are so quiet that I can hear myself think. It's not pretty, being left to my own mind. Quite often I find it easier to fill my ears with buzzing.
That dull roar of Insect Swarms and Thought Dragons.
They circle in my head, the cacophony is resounding.
It's dark too.
Not so dark I can't see myself, the lights still work of course but.
In the metaphorical sense,
an abstract noun, it's dark.
As though all the lights in the world are pointing to the stark whit trtuh that we cannot cope without that other life.
The fake life, artificial sources.
Life as we know it has had a temporary abortion.
Tree Xx
There you have it! Doesn't make too much sense but there you are. :D I'll tell you this.
One is the Millenium Bug. Two are Weather. And the other is Tests.
Easy!!! :P

Tuesday 2 December 2008

That's so Tesco...Yah Kinda...I really like it...

Just a Writers update for ya'll as I have uber amounts of textiles and rubbish to catch up on. Eat up journally-poo :D.
So! Moving onto what we did which was to first write a HAIKU on a picture (which after a vigorous google image search I CANNOT FIND!) which is a shame. We weren't told what the piture was about, so all I knew was that is was a beautiful blond man leaning over a, sort of, marble -plinth?- with a purply red surrounding and possibly roses in the corner. SO I wrote (and failed...);
Angels fallen grace
moon illuminated face
water falls, pure peace.
My reflection bright
No more love, passion, to fight
Rose petal drops light.
Then we found out -although I already figured it out- that this man was Narcissus and then had to write futher based upon this ideal. I did another haiku...and then gave up XD.
Woven gold light and
pale face, beautiful capture
Who is this creature fair?
(remixed for the better :D)
You capture me, oh creature fair!
All ivory skin and gold-spun hair,
Your clear, pool eyes
And full lush lips
A fallen Angel
Before me sits.
I take a breath, to draw you in
As you have drawn me with your grin
Those graceful limbs
They pull me forth
This pool's like ice
But I don't mind.
I'm pleased that I changed it in the end XD...then we read out a poem by some guy full of old-man horniness and 'we must value love and get it on before we *cough*I*cough* die!!11!!1!' ideals and metaphors blah blah... Then we were asked to write a response. So I said XD;
The sun, our ball
So sweet and hot
Burns my fingers
Bitter heat.
Through you I fall
And forget me not,
for thy love lingers
In what you reap.
Such passion strong.
Such ardored words.
So hard you long,
But listen close;
You collonise
Work fast like ants
Please keep thine vegetable,
in thine pants.
Mega lolz? :)
Yeah sure, whatever, so before I go, I'll leave with an update on LoveHate; it's still not finished, but so much better!
He is power and dominence,
In the darkest parts of every mind.
Anger, misery and ignorence
Accomplices he will find.
Sharp suits, slick hair and tightened tie,
He prowls and claims his prey.
Dark, hot rage and cold, sweet revenge,
two dogs, obedient, before him lay.
They entwine their limbs
And the fine line shrinks
The membrane of chaos gives way
They meet, mingle
Clash and frission,
The heady mixture is claustrophobic.
She gasps, he parts,
They swerve and grab,
Two forces, bound,
Turn dive and break.
The dance is endless.
She is foolhardy and controlling
Gripping the soul soft, cold fingers...
And...I haven't done anymore, typing it up makes me feel that it still needs revising further!...hmmm